Oct 23, 2011 14:32
Last week Tuesday, I ended up in the ER. Not exactly a great start to my day. Turns out I have gallstones, and one had decided to make my life miserable that morning.
So, I'm currently very sick of the medical profession. There was the ER trip, visiting my arthritis doctor, talking with my primary this last week, and I get to consult with a surgeon on Thursday. Then, sometime, the actual surgery. I have a mini pharmacy going with all the drugs I'm supposed to take on a daily basis (and even then, I'm bad and usually only take half to a quarter of what's currently prescribed).
I don't WANT surgery. But the medicines for dissolving stones are expensive, ineffective, and take forever. So, it's a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation. My diet is already pretty low in fat when I do eat (currently a lot of seafood, some chicken, garlic, and a splash of olive oil), so the trigger is whenever I do something against that (Steak & Shake hamburger, prime rib or bean soup...)
What's interesting, is that when it was my tubal consult, I went in there gung ho and thrilled to have it done. This, being something potentially medically necessary, I am very "Nononofuckno" about it.
At least it's not the MSU team. After the way they treated Grace and I on the vet side, and an acquaintance of mine on the medical side, I do not want them to touch me. Even the ER doctor that night went "our surgery team on call is MSU, and I'm going to get you pain free so you can discuss surgery with your primary, because I don't want them touching you", that's just fucked.