[Ikuto is standing somewhere out in Xanadu, transformed into Black Lynx. It seems like he's looking at something in his hand, but he's holding nothing. After a short pause, he turns and speaks to thin air.]
...Not really. I just came to get rid of the junk.
[His hand suddenly clenches, as if he's crushing something. He stares blankly, almost coldly, at something ahead of him for a long moment, and then speaks again, his voice echoing with practiced indifference.]
Just so you know... Even if I don't break it, a lot of people break their own egg. All those adults walking around with tired faces... They've thrown away the person they want to be.
[Ikuto begins to walk away, Black Lynx costume disappearing in a flash of magic. Yoru appears a moment later, undisturbed by the events.]
Phew~ Character transformation over, nya~!
[Ikuto only pauses to sling his violin over his shoulder, something attached to the handle glinting in the moonlight, and walks out of range of the Network device's camera. The video times itself out.]
((OOC: Hallucination starting from
here in the manga. I'm using the official English translations in the post, so the link has slightly different dialogue.))