Mar 05, 2009 17:50
Well, that's weird. I didn't know that talking about going to new places can get you teleported into the middle of a random city.
Maybe it was some kind of magic, nya~!
Only kids believe that stuff. Hello? Can anyone tell me where this place is?
You're the one that wanted to travel, nya~ You should have known where we were going in the first place!
It doesn't matter where we were going if we get lost. ...Besides, this has been working out for a good couple of years, hasn't it?
Yeah, you're right, nya~ ...But I still want to meet your mom and your sister someday~!
We'll go back... Eventually. Hey! Anybody listening?
((OOC: What would have happened if Ikuto had successfully run away from Easter as a kid? He's been wandering Japan for the last couple of years after running away from Tsukasa as well, and is generally a happier person. :D))
!curse day