Nov 15, 2004 20:43
Today is...
what would be, what is, what has changed, where i am, who i am, the people i love, the people i loved, the connection with october 9th, the connection with march 26th (less but still there), the rememberance of the past, the questioning of the future, the love i longed for forever and that which i've foundwhat can never be and what will always remain, love and lust and longings, beauty, joy, anger, smiles, tears, gifts and gaylords, loves and poetry, songs that link us to the past and keep us in the now. Today is everything of any thought of these given 24 hours; the feelings that make me considered a sap, a romantic, and hopeless.
'kay well that's today. oh, and here's a poem i found interesting:
how can one be so confused as to what one feels,
who one feels in the dark?
not knowing whether man or woman awaits,
hiding near in the shadows
not knowing whether one wants man or woman
to hold one so tightly,
to carress one tenderly,
to breathe in one's ear
is it possible to think someone beautiful, magnificent
in full, completely,
and not love them?
to want someone, without lust?
to long for someone, and not feel for them?
to feel someone's kiss without experience?
can a heartbeat fill the mind of a person
who doesn't feel?
can a lump come
in a nonexistent throat?
can love be so much more than friendship,
but only one way?
can love come, without sex?
can one love a woman, being a woman?
can one love a woman, simultaniously loving a man?
can one hide within oneself forever?
can one cry in one's pillow and pray for answers
and bite one's lip to hide the sobs and tears?
i only wish i knew
i only it were all so simple
i only, God, i only wish
ok, so its a lovely poem, the author was anonymous and will therefore have to remain that way as i cannot change their wishes. if you wish, we can say that joe schmoe wrote it or jane doe or someone.
'kay well bye everyone.
-cat r.