Title: Fire Whiskey Dreams
eponine254 Fandom/Character(s)/Pairing(s): HP - Snape and death eaters
Genre: Humour
Rating: G
Words: 383
fictionland #22: HP Week Part 5- Dumbledore Quotes
Quote: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
Warnings: None
Fire Whiskey Dreams
Lucius supposed that he really should have seen this coming.
“And her hair! Did I tell you how much I love her hair? It’s so pretty... And shiny... And it smells like happiness...”
No one complained when the rest of this speech was lost in a deluge of fresh sobbing as Snape buried his head in his arms.
Lucius patted the younger death eater on the shoulder, rolling his eyes at Yaxley, who seemed caught between exasperation and the urge to laugh.
It was well after 3 am, and the small gang of death eaters were the only ones left in the pub. The surly wizard behind the bar was looking surlier by the minute, and kept giving the clock significant looks. The death eaters ignored him. You could get away with murder when people thought you might, well, murder them.
Lucius knew it was his own fault. He should have known better than to let Severus at the fire whiskey. The same thing happened every time. A few drinks, and suddenly a fun death eaters’ night out had degenerated into a lot of awkward standing around while Severus cried over that Evans girl.
“And I just bet she’s going to marry him and they’ll have hundreds of fat babies,” Snape sniffed, lifting his head to reveal a face blotched with tears.
“I bet,” Nott said, stifling a yawn as he sipped his butterbeer.
“And. I. Will. Hate. Their. Fat. Babies,” Snape went on, jabbing his finger at the table, the effect of the aggression spoiled somewhat by the fact that he kept missing.
“There’s always Bellatrix,” Yaxley suggested helpfully.
Mulciber snorted. Snape looked appalled. “But I love Lily!” he said. “And I’ll love her forever and ever and ever and - ”
Enough was enough. “Come on, let’s get you home,” Lucius said, standing up and pulling Snape to his feet. Snape swayed, but managed to drape an arm around Lucius’s neck.
The other death eaters looked relieved. Lucius steered Snape towards the door.
“And have I told you about her eyes?” Snape went on. “Let me tell you about her eyes! They’re like the greenest greenest green - ”
“No, please, tell me about her eyes,” Lucius said with a sigh as the group of death eaters stepped out into the snowy night.