The Waiting Game (!)

Jan 15, 2009 11:41

39w4d today.  Still pregnant.

I feel like it's going to happen *soon* but besides the mucus plug/bloody show situation and the fact that I'm 2 cm dilated (as of Tuesday afternoon), not much else seems to be going on.

I was looking around my room today and noticed a lot of things that I'd like to do before the baby comes- the wires hanging behind my desk have been driving me insane for MONTHS but I've managed to push them out of my head- but now, I have this unreasonable NEED that they be taken care of -as soon as possible-  also, this whole place needs a good dusting (and I mean tops of bookcases and that sort of thing.)  Perhaps when Marcin gets in today I can ask him to push the desk forward for me so that I can have a good go at those wires and wipe everything down and tape those suckers down, also.  Everything is feeling so crowded, all-of-a-sudden, which makes sense since I went from having my own room with closet to living in a room with two other people (even if one of them isn't here yet- she has lots of stuff!) and no closet to stash things in.  Perhaps I'll go through some things today and try to stash them in the living room closet, since I know there's some extra room in there (random bag of cd-rs and dvd-rs- I'm lookin' at you!)

The days just seem to drag on when no one else is at home.  I have no energy (not to mention the fact that it's cold out) to go outside and walk around- the short walk up to Eglinton nearly killed me the other day!  It certainly took *much* longer than normal!

We have very few groceries in the house and some things just downright gross me out, so I have to be creative when planning my lunches.  Today, for example, I'm going to have some canned tuna fish with a little bit of mayo on crackers, some yoghurt, and possibly a peanut butter and jam sandwich on the last two pieces of sliced bread, toasted.  I can't seem to get enough of pb&j these days- I think, over the years, I had just forgot how good they went together!  In any case, we're out of chocolate milk, running out of sliced bread, have no NutriGrain bars, and are generally low/out of a few other staples of mine- so a trip to the grocery store *is* in order.  Perhaps that's another thing we can do this evening.

Marcin is working days this week-end; that is- if Leah isn't here yet and he's working AT ALL.  The cool thing about him working days- and now having a car- is that he doesn't have to go to bed super early since he doesn't start work until NOON on Saturday.... so, maybe, I can convince him to go to The Keg with me for that steak I had last time (yummy- with scallops and shrimp!)  I could drool just at the thought of it.  We might as well make a date night out of it, now that I think of it- and head to the movies to watch something!  I have gift certificates that I can't get any use of as of... soon!  So, if Leah wants to come today/tomorrow- great!  But if not, then her daddy and I can have one last "us" [only] day.  Yup, the more I think about it, the more that sounds like a plan.

Tomorrow was the day that I guessed she'd be born.  I suppose it's still possible, but the fact that I've experienced no *real* labour symptoms, I'm not going to hold my breath.  And, really, it'd be nice if she were born on the 22nd- just two months short of her daddy and my 5th anniversary!  =)

Okay, I'm rambling- and all of that talk of food, earlier, is making me hungry!  Time to get Neo out of the bed (he's all tucked in under the duvet- it's adorable) and make up the bed... and then time to chow down on something and find something to do that'll kill a few hours before Marcin and the rest of the family get home!  Perhaps some organizing, perhaps some tv, perhaps a nap- but probably a combination of all three!

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