Labour approaching, perhaps?

Jan 14, 2009 11:18

Still no contractions- or, I should say, very infrequent BH contractions- some mildly painful, others just uncomfortable.  BUT, last night, after watching American Idol and eating some ice cream *yum* I lost what I think was probably *most* of my mucus plug!  It was slightly bloody- all the better!  Sorry if that's too much info.  I know that this doesn't really *mean* anything, but I'm hoping that maybe Leah will grace us with her presence a few days early, anyways- she's due on Sunday!  I can't believe how close we are to all of this... I am so excited!  =)

Anyways, today is coooold out- or so I hear.  I have no plans of leaving my warm house.  Marcin brought me shortbread cookies and gossip magazines yesterday and I've eaten/read all of them, already, so perhaps I'll busy myself with finishing up the hospital bag, soon.  We might need it shortly!  With my birth plan finished (I made some finishing touches last night) I'm feeling really prepared for this!
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