Baby Shopping Trips

Dec 07, 2008 12:49

I'm going to make this a quick post because Marcin is due home any minute and we have a Christmas tree to decorate (exciting!)

We finally went out and got some things at WalMart- I picked up two nursing bras in the current size I'm wearing (they were cheap, so I'm not too worried about having to buy another if the sizing is not quite right once I deliver/my milk comes in, etc.)-- and they're HUGE!  I tried them on over my clothes, only, and there's *STILL* room to spare- not much, but some... haha, so hopefully my breasts -do- become a bit fuller and they don't look quite so ridiculous!  I also got some button-down pajamas for $10 (deal!)  We also went to BabiesRUs and picked up some of our last minute things although I still need to get a diaper pail and an XL wetbag, and I really *want* to invest in a nice baby carrier (probably an ERGO carrier, that Marcin and I can both use), and a diaper sprayer (in case I end up squeamish about breast-fed poops- although I realize they're not really needed until solid poop, at the earliest.)  Marcin also picked up Leah's take-home outfit at H&M!  Ridiculously cute.  He did good!  =)

The last couple of nights I've slept so-so- I can't really complain.  She's been moving plenty and today marks 34w0d (35th week, w00t w00t!)  With my due date community already having welcomed THREE little ones (all girls, too!) I just keep thinking about when *she* will decide to make an appearance... eek!  So, for now, I try to distract myself-- with Christmas things and perhaps going to Ajax for a few days... things like that.

Speaking of Ajax.  I went up yesterday for the day with my mom for Arwen's "FAMILY CHRISTMAS PARTY" at her school.  It was really fun!  There was a magician there who was fantastic and all-in-all I think she had fun and was glad that her auntie and "gamma" could make it up there... what a special girl that Arwen is!  =D

Okay, so now I'm rambling and I'm not sure how "quick" I made this afterall.  Time to go!  Things to do! =)
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