Dec 05, 2008 12:03
Since I can't really talk to anyone else about this IRL (save for Marcin and my SIL) I'll just post this quickly- what was a sad situation before has just turned nightmarish... I really can't believe some people. It's sad when people in your life change so completely in a relatively short amount of time. Sigh...
In other news, Marcin hurt himself at work yesterday, so hopefully he's feeling better (as he's at work, atm); the fact that he's not yet home probably means that his boss decided to NOT send him home and/or that he's functioning well enough to stay the day. I hope he's okay. On a TOTALLY unrelated matter, he *finally* replaced his pathetic excuse for a cell phone (it was being held together by TAPE) and traded up for a red blackberry curve. It's very cute! Hehe, I was starting to feel guilty for having the only cute phone in the family (my Sony Ericsson phone, lol). Of course, I joke.
And... I'm not sleeping much these days. Went to bed later than expected yesterday since Patrick and Ashley ended up coming over so that I could help him work on the advertisement he needed for work (which we managed to do, although it wasn't *great* by any means... it was okay), and then woke up to go to the bathroom twice- the second time at 5 AM and was unable to fall asleep after that. By 8 AM I had watched "Runaway Jury" and made my bed, gotten dressed for the day.... spent the morning, so far, talking to Susana (my SIL) on the phone and reading random things online (like a really cool anti-routine-infant-circumcision essay on LiveJournal- very informative!) Anywho, that's the story of my life these days.
Didn't end up going out to buy nursing bras / pj's yesterday since Marcin got home later than expected, but perhaps I'll go tonight with my mom ('cause Marcin has to get some shut-eye in for his shift at Muir Park at midnight!); I might also try to convince my mom to put up the Christmas tree... because, really, I NEED it up. We shall see. All of that depends on how she's feeling after her long day of work...
Leah just started in on one of her kicking sprees... perhaps she's hungry? Okay, baby girl- I'll go make that peanut-butter-and-jam sandwich you want ;o) Some people think I am extra fragile and need to be treated delicately because of my pregnant state (in reference to certain bad things that I choose not to disclose online, atm) but, honestly, it is my pregnancy... and this little baby girl... that is keeping me strong (not to mention SANE!) So thank God for her. I am so grateful.