Венеция конца 19-го века на почтовых карточках.

Jul 18, 2016 11:09

Викторианская Венеция в цвете: яркие открытки конца 19-го века показывают её фантастическую красоту .
Венеция уже тогда была излюбленным местом путешествий для туристов.
Изображения Венеции прекрасной эпохи -Belle Epoque- были напечатаны в Детройте-Detroit Publishing Company , используя процесс Photocrom
Черно-белые негативы были окрашены вручную.
Фотографии таких достопримечательностей, как площадь Сан-Марко и моста Риальто дают дополнительное естественное качество от добавленного цвета.

A view of the Grand Canal has been given a boost of colour using the Photocrom process, where black and white photos are hand coloured

The Ponte Del Paradiso is teeming with life in this multi-coloured picture from the last 19th century

Children feed the pigeons in the famous St Mark's Square, which is usually heaving with visitors nowadays

A view of the Rialto Bridge from the Grand Canal, with water taxis taking customers to their destination pier

A woman takes a moon-lit gondola ride on the Grand Canal - a tourist attraction that is still popular today

Gondoliers wait for customers near the Doge's Palace- a palace built in Venetian Gothic style

A surprisingly empty canal featuring just a couple of gondolas and a tour boat, with a view of the Rialto Bridge in the background

A woman takes a boat ride past the Ca' Pesaro, which was once a grand home but is now used as a museum of modern art

Young Venetians keep a look out over the canal, as luggage and goods are delivered from a boat to the steps of a nearby row of houses

A church procession makes its way over a bridge on the Grand Canal on a summer's day as tourists wait to continue their gondola rides

A view of the San Giorgio Maggiore - one of the islands of Venice that lies south of the main island group

A view of the Doge's Palace, a palace built in Venetian Gothic style that sits on St Mark's Square

A view Venice and the Veneto region, which sits in the Adriatic Sea, on the north-east coast of Italy

The inside of the Patriarchal Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark, which is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice

A church procession makes its way out of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark, onto the busy square

Tens of gondola boats queue up to attract business from tourists in the nearby St Mark's Square

Scores of tourists congregate in the busy St Mark's Square, which remains a popular destination for visitors nowadays

A view of the Doge's Palace on the left, with the lagoon in front and San Giorgio Maggiore in the background

Venetians sell fresh fruit and vegetables from their front doors to passers-by


Венеция, 19-ый век

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