It might not seem like it right now with the distinct lack of posting, but I really am actually writing. I've got two long fics I'm poking at that are nowhere near done yet, so it'll be a while still.
So, here's the issue: both fics focus on the same characters and I've reached that almost-obsession stage about said characters. I think I need a break? Like, a little distraction so that I can come back to them with the excited "what are they going to do next?" and not just "oh, hey, you guys again..."
Which leads me to: Prompt me? Please?
List two characters and a one to two word prompt. No promises for epic-length results, but you'll get something short and sweet in the very least.
Check out my tags for a list of fandoms I usually write in. I'll also toss in The 100, The Originals, and Galavant though were slightly behind on The Originals right now.
Hit me? Pretty please?
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