Belated Thanks

Jan 17, 2016 20:58

A (very) belated thanks for all the well wishes for the new year.

RL has been interesting in the Irish sense of the word, and all-consuming in pretty much the literal. I've been hiding out, writing self-indulgent fic the few spare moments I have, and hoping for things to calm down enough soon enough.

So, thank you kindly to everyone here and on
fandom_stocking for the good thoughts and great gifts. They are very much appreciated.

[As a side note for those of you looking for me on Tumblr: the app was annoying the crap out of me by not loading and skipping posts and locking up and the like, so I haven't been there for a bit. Might try it again if they improve the app.]

This entry was originally posted at Current comments

whee! fandom

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