Kurt Contest!!

Nov 12, 2010 12:48

Kurt Contest

Hi everyone! I decided to start a Kurt contest on here. How about it?! *Yeah, I know, it's great... :P! ;) *

So, what you first need to do is read all of the instructions!
Second, if you want to be part of it, just comment and say you want to!

The prompt is: Why you?

You need to make a fanfiction about your favorite Kurt pairing, explaining why to you it's the best Kurt pairing ever throughout the story!

Word count: You need to have at least 600 words MINIMUM. If you go to 1000 words, it's cool :P! BUT keep in mind that you won't get judged by the word count, though, it is needed.

Judges: The main judge will be me. As for if there is a tie, I will be the one who gets away with the last one. But overall, you'll all be judges with the only restriction of NOT VOTING FOR YOURSELF. THat's all :D. Thank you.

Where: So, I will post a new entry on my journal titled '' Contest's Entries'' . There, you will post your work.

Voting: And for all you to see that there will be no cheats, I will create a Voting post too JUST on the 16th of December.*So don't look for it right now* Everyone must rate their 3 favorites. like 1- Sunshine. 2- *Idontknow...etc.!  ANd so will I do too as well as a fanfic :)! I'Ll calcul all this and  I will post the results in another post. Also, the voting will be from the 15th of December to the 19th of December. On the 20th I will tell you who won *in another newly-created post on the 20th*. So be sure to keep an eye out on my journal :)!

Prizes: All three winners might have what they want. If one wants a 30 seconds video with their fave pairing, perfect! If one wants a fanfic! Cool. If the other one wants a banner or icons or etc. Perfect :D! And for all the others...well... you could win small fanfics of your fave pairing. Like a 400 hundred words one. But we might talk about it later. ;)

Time: The contest starts on 15th of November 2010 and ends on the 15th of December 2010. If this one was a success, I might create another contest later during the New Year... ^^

Also...post like this!

Word Count

Here you go! So tell me, who's in?! :D *I am!*

pairing, contest, kurt, slash

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