An Open Challenge to Raise Money

Sep 05, 2005 17:35

Some of you are college students. If you're anything like me, college student = poor. I understand that. I'm poor.

So here's a unique challenge:The fall semester is just starting. Instead of buying new textbooks, I challenege people to 1) get used books online, or 2) check the necessary books out from the library. Then, go back to your campus bookstore and see how much you would have spent on textbooks. As much as it's possible and logical (don't go broke over this!), donate the money you saved to any Hurricane Katrina funds.

I'm going to do it -- I already checked out a whole bunch of books from the library.

Please follow the link to some suggestions I put together on how to go about doing this wisely.


I'm interested in knowing how many people are willing to do this. If you're taking up the challenge, plase go to my original post here and leave a comment. Thanks!

x-posted to hpkatrinarelief, katrinarelief, and intervarsity
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