ways to help at no cost to you

Sep 05, 2005 20:41

Besides italianchick589, edna_blackadder and x0_da_emster_0x will also donate if you comment them, and merrivere has a special donation-for-poems/jokes/your-favorite-class-and-teacher project running until until 6:00 PM Central time today.

You can also help Katrina survivors (and others) just by visiting click-to-donate sites. There, clicking on a button will take you to a page of ads, and the advertisers will then donate money to charity. Usually, only one click per day per computer is counted.
Clicking at The Hunger Site helps Katrina survivors. America’s Second Harvest lists both that and Dannon’s click-to-donate site (haven’t they collected that $75,000 already?) as helping them.
Then there are two other sites that apparently help A2H, but I haven’t been able to check them out: Stop the Hunger and Hunger Fighters. Visiting another page that I haven’t been able to check seems to give 0.2 cents to help Katrina survivors.
Please click and spread the word! Thanks in advance!

(crossposted to cat5_katrina, hpkatrinarelief, hurricankatrina, katrina_info, katrina_links, katrina_relief katrina_relief1, katrina_help, katrinahelpinfo, katrinarelief and save_nola)
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