Title: Saved or Damned
casy_dee Rating: T
Characters/Pairing: Connor/Abby
Spoiler: none
Warning: none
Genre: Drabble
Words: 100
Summary: Drabble in response to
primeval 100 challenge # 179: The Road Not Taken
Saved or Damned
She stared up at me with those azure eyes and I was lost in them for a moment.
He’s not my boyfriend, echoed in my ears, the disdain and disgust in her voice a familiar refrain. All the times she’d said those same words… or worse.
She was waiting and I was denying before I could stop the words from bubbling forth, but she was still staring into me.
She was waiting for the truth.
God I was scared, but it was now or never.
Caroline saves me the leap, and I wonder if it saved me or damned me.
Thanks for reading :)