Jul 05, 2010 00:14
Is it bad when I say "The fireworks are at ten? That is too late."
Ah, so we stay in and I write. I'm about 2K into chapter 15 of 'Forever.' Much slower going than I'm used to. I have a future chapter all mapped out, but I don't have the part leading up to it set as of yet. Grrr. This seems like a giant waste of free writing time that I have spent staring at the screen. Grrr again.
Husband is obnoxious because he had surgery on his wrist to remove a cyst and he's hurting and being a general pain in the ass about it. I have even had to cook dinner the last two nights. That is his job usually (he's a house-husband) ... and I had to take out the trash because he can't lift it. I know, I know... I'm a mean wife, but gah the whining. And my son is being especially whiny lately so I'm getting it in stereo. And then Husband whines about Offspring whining. And on top of that he got work done on his tattoo, so he is complaining about that hurting him, too.