Player Name/ Alias: Felicity
Characters Played: This is my first HoC muse.
Character Name: Margo Alder
Character Age: 29 (Turns 30 on 4 February next year)
Character Suit and Rank: 3 of Clubs
Short Physical Description:
Height: 5'7" / 170.18 cm
Weight: 58kg / 127.9 lbs
Margo has dark hair and hazel eyes. She is not especially fashion conscious but she does dress neatly and simply. She seldom wears jewellery or other accessories that she may deem unnecessary.
Character History:
Like her mother, Margo was born into the Club Suit. Her father had grown up off-Deck but later joined his wife’s Suit. Margo is the youngest of 3 children. The Club’s butler, Karin is her older sister. Their brother, the eldest child, is deceased. Since birth, Margo has been deaf in her right ear. Because she was able to hear in her left ear, she was not considered a prime candidate for a cochlear implant. She has since put aside this dream but may pursue it again in the future. In school, she struggled to follow spoken instructions or to respond appropriately. Initially it was thought that this came about from her partial deafness but it was later discovered that she suffered from an audio processing disorder which had been aggravated by her physical impairment. In spite of her setbacks, she managed to make her way through school with unremarkable but good-enough grades. She did not enjoy sports, except for swimming which she is rather good at. While she believed that she could improve as a fighter, she was aware that her brother and sister had already excelled in this field so she did not want to be compared with them. Instead, she elected to pursue the interests that came more naturally to her.
Margo's first challenge took place when she was 16. Competitors had to spend 3 days working with a chosen non-profit organisation or public service. The cards involved in this challenge had to help in some active capacity, even if only performing menial tasks. A leader from each community group was then contacted and asked to fill out a form, numerically rating whoever had been sent to assist them. Cards involved in the challenge had to write a report on their experiences, detailing their activities in a diary format. Margo worked diligently with volunteer firefighters, then wrote an article with photographs to illustrate her experiences. Once the feedback had been gathered, the cards were given a score. In the event of a tie, a more traditional challenge involving either a game or sport would have been organised. This was not necessary as Margo had gained a score of 88% which beat her competitor's 74%.
The death of her older brother spurred her on to pursue photojournalism as a career. She felt it would help her give a voice to worthy causes. Her father had been able to put her in touch with a photographer friend of his from the Outside, Tim. She worked as Tim’s apprentice for a few years, then interned at several magazines and newspapers. This eventually led to a full time job at the Rouennais Post, a newspaper which circulated around a small town outside of the Deck known as Rouenville. She stayed in said town for some years, until she was told of a vacancy at the Daily Trump back home. She returned for an interview and got the job. She is currently in the process of moving back into her native Suit, and has resumed her rank.
Character Personality:
Margo was brought up to be polite so she will address her superiors as Milady or Milord if they rank above her, unless she knows them well. As a result of her impairment, Margo’s speech is slightly slurred. One would only pick up on it after listening to her for a while. She tries not to let her weaknesses define who she is but has come to accept that people may initially underestimate her. As her writer, I would also like to add that I am not using her disability as a gimmick, my brother has a friend with audio processing disorder and I have the utmost respect for people who have to overcome such hurdles. Margo seldom reveals when her feelings have been hurt, rather veiling them with humour. She is rather extroverted all things considered; she loves people and enjoys pleasing others but avoids confrontations. According to the Meyers-Briggs personality test she can be described as an
ENFJ (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). She is not academic but she is a fast learner when given practical instruction. She is not exactly artistic but she has a talent for storytelling using images as her medium.
Margo is eager to prove herself as a writer, occasionally penning articles to accompany her images when other full-time journalists are unavailable. Challenging up is not of great concern to her, only if it supplements her ambitions career-wise. Her return feels a little anticlimactic, The Daily Trump occasionally provides her with compelling stories but she is not too enchanted with themes along the lines of gossip or politics. She does not have an interest in what goes on in boardrooms or castles but among the people on ground-level.
Character PB: Rebecca Hall. She initially used Sarah Adler but there are not too many expressive icons for her. Rebecca has a certain upbeat quirkiness that I like.
Writing Sample:
Can be found on my home page.
Why this Suit: Margo is a born Club. She could have returned to the Deck and joined another Suit but she is loyal to her family so she would want to be in a position where she could see them fairly regularly. She exhibits many Club traits including some measure of creativity, tempered by pragmatism.
How'd you Hear About Us?
I have known about the House of Cards for a while, having seen posts on sixwordstories. After threading with the non-card characters of some of the muns here, I decided to join. Angela was also enabling for Karin’s little sister.