Job Advertisement found on the U of T careers website:

“Have you ever dreamed of being a princess or superhero?”
Yes! How did you know?
"Princesses: must have beautiful singing voice."
But I don't have a beautiful singing voice. And I can name tons of princesses that don't have one either.
"Superheroes: have athletic abilities (Gymnastic and acrobatics preferred)"
I thought one of the benefits of having super powers was that they'd compensate for any lack of atheltic ability. I can barely touch my toes.
This is proof that Canada is NOT the land of opportunity. This is blatant discrimination against individuals with one simple dream: to be a superhero and/or princess, to wear tights and/or a frilly dress with pride. In a country that condones gay marriage, one would think that this kind of discrimination would not exist. But it does exist. What a shame.