My Life Right Now

Feb 17, 2011 01:03

  •  Finished with college - officially have my diploma
  • No job in my field
  • Works as a after school "counselor": I've said the strangest things and have heard the weirdest stories in the past three months
  • Interviewed as a billing specialist for a big company - not in my field, and means staring at a computer for 8 hours a day - good bye eye sight
  • I'm extremely lonely - I want that guy to look at me with his eyes filled with love - I miss that...jjust the utter feeling a guy is drunk in love with me - I miss it terribly, and I doubt I will feel it in such a long time...
  • started working out again - its been three weeks and I haven't lost a lb - I know its because of my eating habits 
  • Im trying to work on my eating habits, but it is hard - and im not doing well
  • Goal: to lost 50lbs by the end of the year - or 20 lbs by my weight lost - grrr
  • On the plus size - body is looking diff than before I worked out 
  • lonely lonely lonely - at least the four year olds I watch give the best hugs
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