Fic - Under The Moon

Aug 27, 2007 21:52

fanfic100 prompt: 045 - Moon
pyramid_dares: Set 2, Level 2 - Under the moon
My Tables 'O Links -- Pyramid table, FanFic100 Table
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Pairings: Dorian/Klaus
Warnings: Lycanthropy.
Notes: Why, yes, I am getting silly. Why do you ask?
Summary: “This is the stuff the KGB uses to frighten peasants.”
By: Margaret Price
Illustration cut-and-pasted by: Margaret Price
Written: August 27, 2007

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Under The Moon
Word count: 1,140
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf…?

The sound of heels on concrete disturbed the Major’s attempt at sleep. He rolled over on his cot, looking across the cell. The Earl was pacing-again.

“If you are going to continue acting like a caged animal,” the officer growled, “kindly remove those noisy boots.”

Dorian jumped, quickly sitting down on his own cot. “Sorry.”

“You’ve said that a dozen times over.”

“I don’t know how you can be so calm, Major,” the Earl said, pushing up the sleeve of his black sweater to examine the fresh puncture wound.

Klaus gave up trying to rest and sat up. “They’re trying to unnerve us, you idiot. There is no such thing as a-werewolf venom,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “So there cannot be an anti-venom, either.”

“How do you know?”

“You are joking.”

Dorian just glared.

“You’ve been watching too many of those Yank monster movies. Your brain’s gone soft.” Klaus pause, correcting himself. “Soft-er.”

Dorian continued to glare. “You don’t know everything,” he countered petulantly, absently scratching his arm at the same time.

“This is the stuff the KGB uses to frighten peasants.” Before the Earl could reply, Klaus went on, “Only you could screw up enough to get us captured by second-rate agents!”

“They stumbled across us!” Dorian said defensively, crossing his arms. “And you were supposed to be keeping watch!”

The Major’s reply was an indignant snort. He had been keeping watch, but they had apparently stumbled into a trap that had been set for someone else. Bloody bad luck was all it was.

“It’ll be dark soon,” Dorian said, breaking into the Major’s thoughts. “Then you’ll see” he added challengingly.

“See what? That a drug we were given has taken effect?” Without realizing, the Major mirrored the Earl’s idle scratching of his arm, going on to his chin. Shit, now I need a shave.

Dorian got to his feet and went to the window. He could just see out of it on tip-toes. “I wonder if we’ll be able to see the moon.”

Klaus rolled his eyes, flopped back onto the cot, and rolled over, turning his back on the Earl. “Fine. Wake me when the moon comes out.”

* * *

“Eroica is getting very agitated,” a man in a white lab coat remarked, adjusting the focus on the monitor in front of him.

“And the Major?”

“He appears to be taking a nap, Comrade Kapustin,” came the bland reply.

“That’s Iron Klaus for you, Comrade Denesovich. Cool under pressure.”

Denesovich grunted. “And after the moon comes out?”

The reply to this was a laugh. “He’ll tell us all he knows in exchange for the antidote. You mark my words.”

* * *


Klaus responded with a sleepy grunt.


The urgent and panicked note in the Earl’s voice woke the officer instantly. His eyes snapped open and he sat up, finding the man beside him, a frightened expression on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s got dark-”

“Christ, you woke me to tell me that!”

“No, I woke you because…” Dorian looked down, pushing up his sleeve. “I’m getting…furry.”

Klaus scowled down at the Earl’s arm. He had to admit that the fine blond hairs on the man’s arm appeared thicker, not that he had ever actually examined them close-up before. He reached up, scratching his chin, discovering with a jolt that his beard was considerably thicker than it should have been at that time of day. “Scheisse,” he growled.

Dorian’s eyes were wide with fear. “It’s happening, isn’t it?”

Klaus got to his feet, distancing himself from the Earl. “How the fuck should I know?”

Dorian suddenly stood up, stripping off his shirt, revealing the coat of blond fur covering his torso. “Christ, I itch all over.” To his amazement, the Major pulled his own shirt up, revealing thick, dark fur on himself.

“God fucking dammit!”

“Now I know why they put us together!” Dorian said with a gasp, putting a halt to the stream of obscenities flowing from the Major.

“Why? So you can make me even more crazy?”

Dorian swallowed hard. “No, Major. What do werewolves do?” he asked, waiting for the man to look at him. “They kill. Violently. Just like you!”


“You already hate me!” Dorian practically screamed. “You tell me all the time you want to kill me. What happens when all your...your…inhibitions are gone?”

Klaus could think of nothing to say.

* * *

“It’s happening, Comrade Kapustin!” Denesovich exclaimed as the men on the monitor tore at their clothes as the metamorphosis took place.

“After Iron Klaus kills Eroica, he’ll be so filled with remorse-” Denesovich broke off when the monitor went blank. “What happened?”

Kapustin struggled with the controls for several minutes. “They seem to have destroyed the video hook up.”

“Shit! We need to see what’s happening down there!”

The KGB men rummaged for several minutes to find a working camera before leaving the control room. Halfway to the cell block, they were stopped dead in their tracks by a blood curdling howl. A wolf…but not quite a wolf. This was followed by very loud bangs and crashes.

“We’re missing it!” Kapustin snapped angrily, continuing at a dead run. He arrived at the door leading to the stairwell to the cells and pulled it open, finding himself face to face with an enormous creature covered in thick dark fur. The last thing he saw in life was the dark green eyes glaring balefully down at him before long fangs tore out his throat.

A few feet away, Denesovich witnessed this and fell back in horror. He let out a cry of abject terror when the eyes looked up at him. He turned and dashed through the nearest door, slamming and locking it behind him. A moment later, the creature was scratching at the door, growling loudly. Suddenly the scratching stopped and there was a momentary silence. It was then that Denesovich heard another sound. A lower, throatier rumble that was followed by a yelp from the creature on the other side of the door.

Denesovich chanced a quick peek through the window as the creature attacking the door suddenly vanished. A blur of yellow flew past in hot pursuit.

Denesovich leaned back against the door and exhaled, wiping away the sweat that had sprung up on his forehead. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the thunderous crash of a nearby window. He ran across the room, looking out into the bright, moonlit night, watching in relief as the pair of werewolves who had once been Iron Klaus and Eroica ran from the building.

Under the moonlight, it looked more like the darker one was running full pelt to escape the blond rather than to escape the building.

Trick of the light. Had to be.

* * *

challenge-pyramid dares, artist-margaret price, pairing-dorian/klaus, author-margaret price, rating-pg-13, challenge-fanfic100, art-klaus

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