[random Eroica fic] Introspection

Aug 28, 2004 20:38

Err... I seem to remember that we can post fiction to this community even if it's not in response to a challenge? If I'm hallucinating, let me know and I'll erase this entry.

Anyway, I'm working on a multi-parter. The introduction can stand alone, but it's really more of a character set-up than a story which progresses from point A to point B. I'd really like some criticism on this before I write any more, so fire at will. Too boring? Too slow? Too OOC? Strange configurations of the English language?

Prologue: Introspection [Edit: Story down for a year, as it has been placed in the Iron and Silk fanzine.]
There are diversions for pleasure, diversions to tease, and diversions of necessity.
[Many thanks to jamjar for taking a stand on commas.]

author-caithion, pairing-dorian/klaus, rating-pg-13

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