Hear Your Whispers in The Dark: Part Two

Aug 27, 2010 13:24

Title: I Hear Your Whispers In The Dark Part Two

Word Count: 1829

Summary: The long road continues

The scent of roses and lillies filled the dim room when Tyr lit the candles, Siomha smiling slightly as she waited patiently on the bed. Her usual fleece pants and tank top had been replaced by silky shorts and matching chemise. Still comfortable sleepwear, though more bold than anything she'd ever really worn.1

The Sigbin finally knelt on the bed, crawling towards her as a slight sulpher scent mixed with the candles. It was a sight for the eyes, and made her body heat with the knowledge of what was to come, what would happen once he reached her. It sent jolts of lightning through her spine, and he hadn’t even touched her yet.2

Siomha ran a hand in his hair when he knelt before her, tangling her fingers in the black and red locks and pulling him close to kiss him. His lips were warm and soft. They fit perfect against hers, and she melted into him as she felt his arms wrap around her, pushing her closer to the headboard. His aberrant hair felt like silk, and his lips like Heaven, she decided.3

He easily invaded her mouth, his tongue mapping out with curiosity, filling her senses with the faint taste of blood from whoever he had for dinner, and his own senses were assaulted by fruit and something sweet.4

Tyr, finally bored with ravaging her mouth, slid her silky shorts down, to reveal nothing but skin and a tattoo of angel wings on her hip. He smiled slightly, kissing it as she tugged on his loose sleep shirt, pulling it over his head. He nuzzled his Mistress' neck as he gently lifted her chemise over her own head, dropping on the floor. She smiled, pushing his black silk boxers down with her feet, making him laugh.5

"You know, I love you..." he whispered, kissing her once more as he helped her settle back into the many pillows. They were close, and it was intoxicating, having him like this. He was so gentle, it warmed her to the core, adding to her arousal.6

"I love you too Ty-r.." her voice broke into a gasp, when he gently pressed into her. He froze slightly, the seal on his neck burning with the slight pain.7

"You... haven't..."8

"Never... I was saving myself for the one person I loved," she answered when her hearbeat slowed and her breath calmed. "I was planning on staying a virgin forever if I couldn't have you." she pet his hair, aching to roll into him, find friction, anything. "How did you know?"9

"The seal; it hurt you when I did it."10

"I didn't notice," she touched his neck, feeling the burn of his skin settle slightly. "It felt good," she 11

whispered, biting on the shell of his ear. He groaned, thrusting into her slowly and gently, feeling her fingers dig into his shoulders as she choked on a mewling sound.12

She threw her head back as everything about him filled her; the slow thrusts, his lips moving against hers, the feel of their sweat laced bodies sliding against one another, drawing out sounds she’d never believed she’d hear. It was all so much, so overwhelming that it brought to her that edge, spilled her over and she came, her lovers name dancing from her lips.13

Siomha collapsed against the bed, as Tyr moved in closer, curling tightly into her, holding her close. They were breathing heavily and... and...14

Tyr shook Siomha awake, pushing her off the bed and feeling a pang of heat in his seal. He leaned over the edge to watch her groan and roll over. "What the hell were you dreaming about?!" he demanded when she finally sat up.15

"I... what?" she blinked the sleep from her eyes, looking up to stare at him.16

"You were moaning, and you've been thrashing around for the last two hours. I ended up sleeping 17

on the floor! What the hell," he repeated. "Were you dreaming about?"18

"No-nothing." her face burned, and she knew her body was red. Not that it mattered; she hadn't gotten to end the dream, she had no idea what would ever happen next.19

"Right..." he glanced at the clock and sighed, falling into the pillows and groaning. She climbed up next to him, unable to look him in the eyes. She took peeked at the clock; it was only two in the morning. No wonder Tyr was mad with her. She sighed, laying her head on his forearm, body far from his. Tyr rolled his eyes, pulling her over so she lay closer, on her stomach.20

Siomha pouted into the pillow, glaring from her peripheral at the tired Sigbin. She squirmed her way onto her side, to watch him until he opened his eyes. "Must you do that?"21

"Uh... yes?" he sighed, pulling her closer. She snuggled into him, smiling to herself. Who cares if the dreams come back?22

Tyr was close, safe and intact.23


The next morning, Tyr was gone. Siomha sighed, rolling over- his pillow in her hand- and curled into a small ball under the bedding. Her withdrawal would surely drive her mad, she decided as she wallowed in the silence. She pressed her face into the pillow, whimpering muffled slightly.25

Would the torture of being near him everyday ever cease?26

She felt the dip of the bed, signaling someone's presence. It couldn't be Tyr; she knew that volatile oil. The scent of different spices, gingerbread and sugar meant one thing.27

Sirius Sakissian, the Trickster who made her life hell on a daily basis.28

"Why the hell won't you people leave me alone?" she muttered, slinging the pillow over her head in annoyance. "Go the fuck away!"29

"And miss the chance of seeing you wallow in misery? I think not.." Sirius stretched out next to her, taking the pillow away easily. "When was the last time you ate, kiddo?"30

"Last night.."31

"I meant blood wise." when nothing but silence answered him, the ravenette sighed. The one 32

Aswang in the world who hated blood, and she had the tastiest blood he had found. Figured. 33

"Come on," he demanded, pulling her up and snapping his fingers. She sighed when she felt her pajamas replace themselves with jeans and a dark pink tank top.34

"You have issues, I could've changed."35


"Nope, I was content to torture myself with his scent. Where are we going?" Sirius took her hand, gently for how he had treated her before, and pulled her outside.37

"Food, you need blood." a few people raised their eyebrows, and one mother pulled her child closer.38

"Will you stop? I don't wanna get kicked out or hunted by assholes that should be after you."39

"Aw, bad blood between us?40

"Was that supposed to be funny? Did you know that it hurts Tyr when you do that?"41

"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow, grinning. She sighed, pulling her black hair over her shoulder and braiding it.42

"Don't get any ideas, last time we were on your turf. I'll have witnesses this time."43

"Psh, I'm a god!"44

"Demi-God; tyhat doesn't even need blood to survive."45

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stuff a sock in it..." she felt more than heard his sigh, and she knew what he had done. She knew why he sounded disappointed. She knew she didn't want to have this conversation.46

She knew, that he knew. Knew about the dreams, the pain, the insufferable feelings Tyr's presence brought her.47

"I could put you somewhere, you won't go insane at least... You'll have him, well, a version of him."48

"Why do you care?"49

"I don't, I really don't. But... you're not the usual victim. You've never acted high and mighty, or anything." Sirius leaned down slightly, nudging her hair away with his nose so he could breathe into her ear. She shivered, tilting her head away. "He'd be yours to do with what you please."50

It was killing her not being there by his side, it felt as though a part of her had been ripped out, and of course it had; her heart may as well be gone without Tyr Aeschylus.51

She should just accept his offer, she should just walk away. The pieces of her heart she still had were ripped in two.52

One wanted Tyr, whether it was real or not.53

The other wanted him to love her back.54

Sirius pulled her towards a young woman who gladly followed them when Sirius offered her a kind smile. Siomha couldn't believe that smile could come from the man who had just weeks ago sucked blood from her, using a blunt, rather human set of teeth.55

"Go on, eat." the ravenette looked up at Sirius in confusion, than towards the girl who was trying to dry her eyes. "Come on, you'll waste away." she bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head. "Tyr wouldn't be happy to find out it's been so long," he breathed in his ear. "And I'm not above telling him."56

Siomha glared, the Trickster was right and he knew it. She hadn't had blood since they'd left her parents estate. If the Sigbin knew, and he could, he'd probably kill her.57

"Do it." she did, her fangs easily slicing through the flesh. The girl made a strangled noise, and Siomha was quickly done with her. She made a face, disgusted with herself.58

"I'm gonna throw up," she moaned, leaning on the alley wall. Sirius watched, petting her every so often. The poor thing... He disappeared, leaving the girl to hate herself.59

Siomha wandered back to the hotel room, the blood swirling in her otherwise empty stomach criminal. She collasped into bed the minute she was safe and sound in the room, curled around Tyr's pillow once more. She cried into it, unhappiness in every tear. 60

Tyr finally stumbled into the room, tired and slightly upset. Apparently, Siomha had gone and hurt herself, again. As always. The girl had too many issues to count; tripping, crashing, cutting, burning, slipping and walking were just a few. Who had so many issues, walking? It was natural. She’d be the death of him one of these days.61

He stopped when he got to the bed, and found the girl’s face covered in tears; crying in her sleep. However, that wasn’t what was bothering him. It was the circular mark on her neck; teeth marks. Very human teeth marks, might he add. He pushed a hand through his hair as he leaned down to inspect it, earning a smack between the eyes for his efforts. He blinked in confusion, then looked back down at the girl; who’s green blue eyes were glaring up at him.62

“You’d get more women if you didn’t perch on their beds staring at them. Blood suckers don’t make the best impression when they do that.” she advised, rolling onto her stomach and stretching out.63

“What’s on your neck.” this wasn’t a question , he was demanding to know. And she knew he’d manage to weasel it out of her, he always did.64

“It’s just a scratch, I fell into a bush.”65

“Do you honestly think I’m that stupid?” Siomha shook her head, not quite trusting her voice. She listened to the small, annoyed sound her bestfriend made before he reached out to tentatively touch the bite. “I’m gonna ask one more time, Sheev. What happened.”66

“The farr digg, Sirius. He’s got an odd diet for a Trickster. “ she said quietly, nuzzling her face into his hand. Tyr tensed, something rolling into his gut. “He has no fangs,” she added, touching the marks. He got me while I was sleeping. The Sigbin bit the inside of his cheek, feeling the sensastion in his stomach grow worse. He hadn’t been there for her, when she needed him. “If you’re ready for bed, please lay down. I’m cold.” she muttered, rolling onto her side. He sighed slightly, laying down and pulling her close again.

easy is the decent

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