Jersey Just Got Colder

Aug 26, 2010 21:12

Title: Jersey Just Got Colder

Word Count: Around 666

Prompt: Fire in Fireplace- Schmoop

Rating: Older teen to be safe

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing: Gabriel/Sam, Castiel/Samiel, Dean/ Thalia

Summary: It takes almost fifteen years after the apocalypse for Gabriel to realise something.

Disclaimer: I only own Samiel, Thalia, Daniel and Sariel. Dawn, Dru and Liam belong to Gedry, but I forgot to ask about Liam and Dru.

Samiel watches her daughter laughing at the boy she's brought home for Christmas Eve dinner, then turns her head to watch Gabriel trying to pry a candycane from Sam's giant hand.

Gabriel feels the eyes on his back and turns to face his sister. Unblinking green eyes stare into caramel, and Gabriel notices the way Castiel gravitates toward her; as if expecting confrontation from his siblings.

"Why don't you just make a candycane?" the Irish female asks, as if it had been obvious the entire time. Gabriel glares at her, knowing she's right as her scarlet painted lips turn up into a smirk.

"Oh, fuck you."

"That's Cas's job." Dean frowns; wonder when the female Angel developed the sense of humour she's sported lately. It seems Castiel wonders the same thing, as he pulls her against him and kisses her head.

"Ugh, PDA, dad." Sariel complains, looking up at her parents from the couch where she's cuddled into the boy, Daniel.

"Calm down," Cas reprimands his daughter, bright blue eyes staring into her almost identical ones. Daniel shifts uncomfortably under the angel's unblinking eyes, until Dean cuts the tension loudly.

"Who wants beer?"

Seven shots of very expensive, very strong whiskey later had Samiel and Cas wrapped up in each other's arms, swaying in the light from the Christmas tree. Samiel's eyes were closed, and she was listening to her husband whisper words of love in Enochian.

Dean smiled at the sight, feeling a small weight plop down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around the petite Elementalist, kissing her head. Thalia smiled sleepily, curling into her husband. "What'cha thinking about?" Dean mumbled into her ear.

"How lucky I am that the Apocalypse was averted... When Mikey and Luci are gonna get here."

"Don't call me that," two voices say in perfect unision. Thalia peeks er head over the back of the couch and watches the two angels in the doorway.

"Hello Lucifer," Samiel mumbles from the general vacinity of Castiel's chest. The angel of THursday had removed his trenchcoat and dress jacket, and held his wife's hand in his tightly as they sway in a lazy dance. Gabriel glances up from the fireplace, where he's helping Dawn arrange the logs.

"Hey bro!" he says cheerily, snapping his fingers once his daughter's hands are out of the way; a magnificent fire appearing in the fireplace.

"Gabriel." Michael nods, sitting stiffly next to Daniel and Sariel.

"That's very pretty," Samiel murmurs to her husband, nodding at the fire. "I like it."

"You've seen fire before." Cas mutters back, smiling in amusement. Gabriel turns around, caramel eyes looking astounded.

"The only fire she's ever seen was holy fire." he realizes aloud, making the others turn to look at him. Sariel raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow, leaning into Daniel's side.

"Mom's never seen a real fire?" she asks in disbelief. Castiel watches his daughter, wondering where the time had gone with their angelic child, then looks down at his wife.

"Mm, nope. I've been in Heaven most of my life." Dawn giggles, popping the curved end of a candycane into her mouth and letting it hang on her tongue.

"I bet it's pretty up there, huh Aunty Sami?"

Samiel smiles down at her niece sleepily, green eyes partially closed as she pulled away from her Angel. "It's beautiful, Cadbury." Liam snickers slightly at the name, ducking the wrapped present his cousin throws at him and hiding behind his aunt. Sariel howls with laughter when Dawn tries throwing another at their only male cousin.

"Merry Christmas!" Dru yells, laughing as she tears into the one present she gets to open tonight.

supernatural, s

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