Sep 10, 2010 18:38

I've gotta ask this: Is it required for me to love and adore and worship and kiss the ass of every single woman character on Supernatural? And when I don't I'm a woman hating bitch that can't stand the thought of any woman getting between the great and tooby Sam & Dean love?

I love most of the women that show up on Supernatural. I didn't like Jo, at first, because she acted like she was a twelve year old with her first crush, and I have very little patience for that behavior when it's coming from someone in their twenties. She redeemed herself in the last two episodes that she was in, though, and I liked her for behaving like the strong, capable woman that she is. Or was. Whatever.

I adore female characters as long as they're well written and have a purpose. I loved Bela (seriously, her and Dean would have made some hot hate sex), adored Ruby until Cortese decided to show up and fuck up her character, but even then, her Ruby had her moments of total delightfulness. (Is that a word? It is now.) I loved Sarah, and I even liked Cassie. I loved Jamie despite her being a one-off character. Her and Dean would have been beauuuutiful together, and I liked her sass. Casey is my number one favorite lady demon. I wish she hadn't died. The crossroads demons have all been really fucking badass, too. I loved Ellen. Missouri will forever be one of my favorite females. Young Mary Winchester was a mother-fucking hoss. And Meg! How could I forget Meg. Meg and Nicki Aycox are badass females who I adore.

I don't like Lisa. I don't even like Ben. They're both useless characters and a lame plot device. That's my opinion. It has nothing to do with the fact that Lisa has tits and vagina, and Dean could fall in love with her. It has to do with the fact that she's so fucking boring, and all Dean knows of her is his weekend of marathon sex ten or thirteen years ago and because he saved her kid once. If the writers want Dean to play suburban dad, at least, do justice to the woman he's with. Or get him back with Cassie. At least with her, he had a lot of history. She was the first woman he fell in love with. I understand that there's some meaning underneath it. I've read the theories that Lisa represents the life that Dean fantasizes about having, and okay, I respect that, but do me a favor. Flesh out her character, give her more of a personality, because she falls really fucking flat with me. Hell, have Dean meet someone new. It's been a year. There's plenty of women he could have met in a year and developed a strong connection with.

It bugs the fuck out of me when I see people accuse me of being a woman hater and a rabid slash fan because I don't happen to like one certain character. There IS a reason for me hating a character. I wound up hating Castiel because he's fucking useless and has zero purpose other than comic relief as he bumbles through the human world. Does that make me a man hater? No. That just means there's something about the character that I don't enjoy. I wasn't a big fan of the littlest Winchester, either.

It's like saying Kripke's racist because a couple black people have died on the show. Um. Oookay.

I'm not saying there AREN'T people who hate every single woman character on the show because they get in the way of Sam & Dean's epic love story or Castiel and Dean's marathon sex sessions, but not EVERYONE is like that, and the assumption that everyone is is really really annoying.

Stop it.


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