1er mai ?! Comment c'est arrivé, cette histoire ?

May 01, 2021 14:31

I had to check twice because I couldn't make sense of the dates but from the looks of it, it is the first of May today.

If you've been here long enough (and can you believe I'll celebrate my twenty-years - 20! - on LJ in two years? Mind is blown) you know what it means, ie. I come here to offer you the traditional bunch of Lilies of the valley for luck and happiness (and don't we still need those in abundance!) <3 Maaaaa, if you're visiting me again this year, I always have a special thought for you on this particular day :)


Hope it brings you luck and warmth, flist <3 I had a stressful couple of days at work myself so I need all the soft and quiet and peaceful I can get this weekend. So far so good, I'm having a pretty cozy day at home (it's grey and rainy today here so that's perfect) and taking it easy: Fandom is keeping me company and I'm having a pretty good time all around.

Speaking of, please think of me next week! Word of Honor has its last 3(+1) episodes and I already know I'm going to be a wreck. I've - intentionally - spoiled myself very early on because I felt like it would lowkey stress me out not to know how it ended so, technically, I'm aware of everything that's about to happen and yet... I have no doubt it'll be an emotional ride. I know you get it.

I'm going to miss this drama so much! The excitement of each new episode, the reactions on Twitter, the interaction with the fans... I know we'll get more related content for some time and the two leads already have two new dramas coming up so it's not the end of them or the last opportunity to enjoy their work but it won't be WoH and I have such love and affection for it *__* Obviously, I'll watch it again but you know how it is, you only get one single opportunity to watch a beloved show for the first time. At least, I'll have enjoyed the experience to the fullest <3

Speaking of. So it'd seem they do that kind of things regularly over there but last month or so ago they announced that they would hold a WoH fan event: a concert (well, two on two different days) with some reenactment of iconic scenes by the cast - be still my heart <3 They shared a poll so that people could vote for the scenes they wanted to see, it was a lot of fun. Seeing how popular the drama has become, they announced that the whole show would be live-streamed for those who could get a ticket. Many of us couldn't and I admit I was a bit disappointed because, idk, it's a live concert so obviously it's nothing like physically attending the event but it was still something new and exciting to look forward to, you know? And this hasn't happened for more than a year now!

Fast-forward yesterday morning when YouKu announced they'd opened their YT membership and people could subscribe and get a pass in order to have access to not only the two concerts on each day but some backstage view and bonus clips later on. I was quite tempted - as in, since I started writing this entry last night, I got it ;) Cookie and I needed that spark of 'Ohh, something New and Exciting is Happening Soon'. So now I can say that will be "going" to a concert Monday or Tuesday (depending on work)! How surreal does that sound? Very surreal, indeed. Yes, it's an online concert but even then... just the idea is exciting, know what I mean? This entry was originally posted at https://castalie.dreamwidth.org/537699.html.
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