Une petite obsession de temps en temps...

Apr 14, 2021 21:20

Dear flist. It's been a hot minute, as someone I know always says. I didn't mean to fall off the edge of LJ (do I ever?) but time has the tendency to fly by when you're not looking! I've had a couple of Interesting Weeks with my ex-BIL getting COVID (he's fine now), then both my nieces being tested positive for Covid (100% asymptomatic, thank God, they never had any symptoms and took things in stride) then my sister getting sick but not, contrary to what we all thought, due to COVID (she's also better now), my parents both having to isolate and take the tests as well because they'd been in contact (both tested negative and are perfectly fine), consequently us having to cancel our plans to meet for Easter. Work has picked up and I've been running on pretty low energy - I suspect my iron level is acting up again, as in it's been getting lower as time passes.

So that kept me busy.

Well, that and did you know that being involved in a very active fandom as the show airs every week takes a lot of your fannish time? I'd almost forgotten ;) In other words, I'm even more in love with Word of Honor than I was the last time I posted about it (which is saying a lot because I was already overflowing with love for that drama!). I've been having a blast interacting with the fandom over at Twitter (all the while regretting that it didn't happen on LJ but alas, that was Back Then) and enjoying the whole fannish experience to the fullest ♥

YouKu, the platform that broadcasts the drama, is super clever about it and is handling things like a pro (which er, I know they are but what I mean is that they seem to Really Get It). In addition to posting three - free - episodes a week, they keep sharing new content from MVs to BTS to deleted scenes to interviews, the whole shebang. They promote the cast perfectly and you almost don't have to do any research yourself, they hand in everything to you. Pretty convenient, if you ask me ;)

Sometimes it feels like they love (even ship) Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing even more than Fandom does, which is very cute to witness. I keep joking about the fact that I'm as much a fan of WoH as I am the YouKu team but they have been very good to us fans, indeed, and it's quite sweet to feel like TPTB understands how invested we are, in a positive way. I'm not sure how to explain it but, overall, it feels like they understand Fandom and that's extremely enjoyable.

What have you been up to, flist? Hope you're doing well *hugs* This entry was originally posted at https://castalie.dreamwidth.org/537379.html.
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