Repetative Stress Syndrome (PG) West Wing Jed Bartlet

Mar 23, 2007 00:41

Title: Repetative Stress Syndrome
Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Jed Bartlet
Rating: PG
A/N: In which castaliae attempts the inner monolouge.  Hopefully it won't crash and burn.  If it does, well, onmiscient narrator will always have a home for me.

Summary: Josiah Bartlet, B.A. Ph.D., is bored.

The girl in the second row is sleeping again.  I just told the joke about the GDP deflator and she didn’t even flinch.  How is she supposed to understand the topics if she sleeps through class?  The textbook doesn’t include everything.

I used to like teaching entry-level Economics because then I have students with a clean slate, before some teacher has failed to explain basic principles like that while trade can make everyone better off, it does not always succeed.  Its not all a case of generating little graphs and moving up and down the line.

“Now, that only works for a per-unit tax.  An ad valorem tax is levied differently, with a percentage of the value of the unit.  Ad valorem comes from Latin and means ‘according to the value’…”

I come to the end, and class wraps up, which is enough to jolt his sleepy fifth row girl awake.  The usual contingent comes up after class and we talk questions until Bob Raymond arrives with the rest of the Econometrics class.

It’s Friday, so I’m done.  I grab paper work for the weekend of the, admittedly messy desk, along with the book on Blackstone’s commentaries that I started on Tuesday.  The car starts easily, it hasn’t snowed yet this fall, and after dodging a few students, I can exit campus.

I’m up for sabbatical.  I could take Abbey and the girls to India and continue working on the book on the economies of the developing world.

It’s not that I have any reason to want to leave Dartmouth.  It’s a fabulous institution.  My student’s are bright, even the girl in the fifth row, whatever her name is, and it’s a good home for an academic.  I’d miss the run up to the bonfire and the carnival.  While it’s no Notre Dame it is in New Hampshire, the greatest state in the Union.  They have good schools for the girls and its safe.

In retrospect, Abbey would not be happy to leave to hospital for a full year, and I can’t leave her.  Besides, I didn’t want to take Zoey out of the country for her to catch something.  She’s only two.

Perhaps that’s the problem.  My youngest daughter is still a toddler but as of this year I’m over the hill, as they say.  Past forty.  Maybe this is simply melancholy as the result of a mid-life crisis.

I never felt like the type, though, to have one.

It’s just that its all a little routine now.  There used to be a little more fight in it.  Fourteen years ago they almost threw me out of the LSE because of the, now acknowledged as accurate, content of a paper.  It’s not hard to find graduate students any more.  I’m tenured, with a chair, but it not enough anymore.

And to top it all off Elliot Roush is an idiot.  New Hampshire only gets two Congressional seats and Roush is wasting one.  He spent his freshman year in Washington failing to support important legislation and cosponsoring one particularly fatally flawed law.  Moreover, he was factually wrong in the press conference he just gave three times in the space of broadcast.

Government is such a potential force for good, but is people like Roush who are squandering its capabilities.  I can tell you, with my charts and figures, what they should do, but instead I’m up here and the likes of Roush are down in Washington.

How hard is it to unseat a one term incumbent?

westwingfic, fanfic, westwing

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