Yes, part 2 is up already!

Jan 15, 2008 23:56

I know you want more. I'm psycho psychic like that! LOL! Right, back to the insainty!

Once again, these were "borrowed" from FB's bumpersticker app and aren't in any real order.  I'll probably do another set of 50 here, I doubt I'll run out before then!

This would be something I'd do!

I could totally see Dumbledore trying to get Harry to watch House with him!

I blame Walt Disney.


Anyone who talks to me online knows this!

And so are all me mates

I choked so bad from laughing the first time I saw this that I sprayed my screen with Mountain Dew!

Those are the best kind!


So it won't hurt as much when I go down!

Oooh! The first motto of part 2!

It's a killer! With nasty, sharp, pointy teeth! *handmotionfrommovie*

I think I would mumble that last bit...

Which is why I love them with all my heart ;)

I think I've always had this attitude.

Gotta love the power of fine print!

No clue what this pic is from, but I love it!

I actually do break out in song and dance throughout the day, so my life is kind of like a one woman musical!

Damn right she can!

*giggles like a moron*

And I think "a bit" is an understatement!

I want this sign... and a loaded gun.

Seriously, who doesn't love Elf?

You know you do!

It's okay though, they let me hang in their secret hidden base underneath Antarctica.

Damn! Didn't work! (Seems to me the plot penguins have taken over for a bit here...)

Because penguins like to rock out too!

*Evil Laugh* (I finally got my computer back from Commander Squishy-- that's the plot penguin leader, who also goes by Mr. Squishy)

I've actually said this before!

Pretty much everything can be filed here!

Ah, yes, the good old days...

The sad thing is that I live in one of the other small towns near here! I've been by this actual bank!!

Yup, looks pretty perfect to me! ...Now I'm hungry again!

Oh the joys of being redundant!

Princess Bride rocks!!

I tried telling the parental units this once, but they just got angry...

Do I really need to comment here?


Yeah, that sounds about right

Cap'n Jack is just made of pure awesome... someone should find a way to bottle that, they'd make billions!

This was pretty much the class motto when I was in the academically gifted program!

Offending people is another hobby of mine, I've got it down to a fine art!

Does anyone else's brain itch now?

And don't you forget it!

That about says it all!

I told me mum this once, she just looked at me and walked away shaking her head.

I'm not a pyro, what makes you think that? *Whistles innocently*

That'd be about Will, cause he as the swashswashbucklebuckle (Cassi speak for sword)

I LOVE sudoku!

I really am dyslexic, so it took me forever to realize there was something wrong here! LOL!

Wow, this set of 50 went a lot fast than the last one... There shall be more eventually, but for tonight I think I'm done.  Good night poppets!

Keep to the Code!

random pictures

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