That's right, I'm feeling more mental than usual! I really don't know why, but I am... maybe because I found out that the high here on Saturday is supposed to be -4. I bloody hate the cold. So, to retaliate, I'm posting random pictures I found online that make me giggle and have probably led to the collapse of my sanity! *Insert evil laugh here* Right, so away we go!
There's no order to these, just as I found them! First off are the ones I found *coughstolecough* on Facebook's bumpersticker app!
Now, if you can deliver this to me, I'd be the happiest girl in the world! Mmmm... Orli on a stick! *Drools*
Great movie, always makes me think of my mate
slythrnsheiress and some good times I don't remember from middle school!
I always did wonder why they called it a "farm"...
Sadly so true!
Damn straight, and y'all know it! But I love you!
This gives me a happy. And reminds me of one of me mates from school that will someday rule the universe!
Seems like a logical solution to me!!
Sadly, this may actually happen to me here in Mooseville!
Just a friendly reminder folks... stay on my good side until this Winter Wonder-hell thaws out and my hiding places come back!
And thus the reason I lost my mind!
I think this speaks for itself...
Cyanide and Happiness gives me the world's biggest happy!! I totally want this shirt!!
"They" always say breakfast is the most important meal, I just took it to heart!
'Nough said!
Along with cross-stitching, writing, hunting for phonetaps, etc.!
My thoughts exactly! Oh, and gotta love the penguins! (Note that it took me all the way until the 16th picture to bring in the penguins!)
I love this saying! And it applies to everything, unless you actually speak Russian!
Well, duh!
How can you not love Wicked?!
This is from the "Damn, I'm screwed" collection...
Makes sense when you think about it...
This would be the policy on my ship if I were a pirate captain!
I AM CORNHOLEIO! I used to watch this all the time when I was little!
Like me, and
maryevanspotter, and
In that class, it's not even a question!
Something I live my life by.
This should be the title of my autobiography!
What? *Innocent look*
Only the beginning of my Dr. House worshiping! I need to be on that show!!
I love my big brother to pieces, but this is SO true!!
And this is my workout motto!
Damn straight hommie! (I've been spending WAY too much time around me cousin!)
So geeky and sadly so true...
Chocolate solves everything!
I'm a smartass and damn proud!
One of SNL's best skits EVER!
I would die laughing if I actually got this fortune!
Just your friendly diabolical neighborhood plot-penguins chillin with death...
Yet another motto of mine!
This comes from years of having to put up with my vegetarian grandpa preaching to us!
A little writer's humor for you. I want this on a tshirt!
This one is a family motto... and something my brother told me when I was little!
Which is why I now share a partial one with
Don't I know it! LOL!
Or maybe not so quietly...
This about sums up my life. *cheekygrin*
Poet humor... and yes, this actually IS a haiku!
Does this make anyone else think of Monty Python's French Taunter?
Okay, that was magic number 50, so for the sake of your computers I'm going to stop here in this particular post! There shall be a part 2 (and probably many more than that) soon... most likey tonight if I can get my computer to cooperate long enough!
Right, I'm putting the required legal mumbo-jumbo outside of the cut to make it more noticeable. Look, I own nothing, did not intend to infringe on anyone's rights, and am sorry if I stole something of yours. I have nothing worth suing me over, so it'd really be a waste of your time and money. This was purely for my own twisted enjoyment! Right, that said, expect part two very soon!
Take what you can, give nothing back!