Fandom Snowflake, Day 12

Jan 12, 2014 14:15

Day 12
In your own space, talk about what you think the future holds for fandom. What are your hopes and dreams for fandom? Do you have any predictions about what the next five years holds for fandom? Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Fandom in general will go on and on and on, ad infinitum, amen. As long as there are books, movies, and TV shows that grab our hearts and minds, there will be fandom.

As far as SPN fandom goes . . . well. The show itself may be ending in another year or so, D: but I'm sure the fandom will still be going strong in five years.  SG1 fandom is still going strong, as is X-Files fandom . . . and even Starsky&Hutch fandom from nearly forty years ago, so yeah, I think SPN fandom will still be around.

Sure, people get bored and leave.  More power to them.  But I see too many SPN "fans" who can't be bothered to post or comment, who never contribute to fandom.  I see the "Sam!girls suck" / "Dean!girls are evil" people. The "destiel is CANON and if you don't agree you're a homophobe!!" people. The Dean haters and the Sam haters.  The negative!Nancys who cannot ever say a single thing positive about our (yes, imperfect) Show.  Those are the ones who won't be around in a few years, and I can't say I'm unhappy about that.

Then, there are those who manage to find squee and joy, who post about the show, comment on others' posts and keep discussion alive, who supply lifeblood to the fandom.  God bless the fangirls/boys -- the writers and the fanartists, the vidders and the gif-creators and the icon-makers, the Keepers of the Pretty™, the comm runners, the con photographers, the episode reviewers, the meta writers, the J2 chicks, the Wincesters, the gen and het writers, the blessed few authors who may not like where Show has ventured, but continue to write the brothers the way THEY'D like them to be -- those are the ones who help keep this fandom alive.  Those are the ones who will keep us going for the next five years and beyond.  They ROCK, and I salute them. ♥

*holds tight to the awesome flisties who keep the dream alive*

supernatural, fandom snowflake challenge, god bless the fangirls

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