Fandom Snowflake, Day 11

Jan 11, 2014 09:28

Day 11
Stretch yourself a little and try something new. Go play in a new fandom or with a new pairing or trope. Try creating a different kind of fanwork. Or check out some types of fanworks that are new to you. (The recs from Day 1, Day 3, and Day 9 might be a good place to start!) Leave a comment in this post saying you did it.

I'm a single-fandom girl and that won't change any time soon.

That's not to say that I don't occasionally turn my gaze outwards.   I have lately been exploring Buffy a teeny bit, mostly because of transfixeddream's You Spike My Blood, a smokin'-hot vampire!Jensen fic based on the Buffy episode Into the Woods (that I pulled off Amazon, watched and liked.) There are also the Buffyverse fics of brutti_ma_buoni, who unknowingly tempted me into reading my very first Buffy story with a tidbit titled Pork Chops.  (I may have been a bit hungry at the time.)   She also may or may not have honed my curiosity regarding Spike/Angel.

Also, the wily stageira has recently been dangling Stargate: Atlantis's McShep in my direction. SGA isn't exactly a "new" experience -- I was an SG1 girl since the Pilot aired, and SGA was the fandom from which SPN lured me.  Still, I have no doubt that I'll occasionally be re-visiting the Pegasus Galaxy.

I'll never venture as deeply into those fandoms as I have into SPN's, but hey, baby steps. :)

Now, fetch me my Winchesters. ;)

brutti_ma_buoni, supernatural, vampire!jensen, btvs, stageira, fandom snowflake challenge, sga

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