Sometimes I just don't get it (Goong)

Oct 26, 2006 22:28

Sometimes I feel like I must be out of wack with the rest of the world. Last night I was in the mood to read some new manga, so I thought that I would give Goong, a series about which I've heard really good things, a try (okay, I know that this is not technically a manga since it is Korean, but same idea). I had previously tried to watch the Korean drama series by the same name, but have yet to finish the 1st episode even after three attempts. But the manga versions are almost always better than the drama or anime versions (yes, I realize that this is a gross generalization, but more often than not it's true), so I thought if so many people like this series, it must be good, right?

Oh, my god. If the main relationship in this story moved any slower, glaciers would pass them by. I forced myself to read up to and including the 1st chapter of volume 10 and they have yet to resolve a single $%&* thing. I finally said no more and stopped torturing myself.

I have to say, I really don't like the main female character. She says that she loves Shin, but

1. Does she ever show any signs of trying to understand him and/or what he is feeling? I don't think this is an issue of her being dense. I honestly don't see her thinking about him and how lonely/imprisoning his life has been and how that affects his attitude and interactions with people

2. She believed that he started the fire pretty easily (i.e. she doesn't trust him)

3. The whole situation with Yul. He has told her point blank that he wants her to divorce Shin so that she can be with him. She doesn't love him, and yet she uses him and his feelings for her ALL the time. She constantly goes to him for help and comfort, even at times when she should be comforting her husband. She doesn't use Yul on purpose, but just because she does it without thought doesn't make it right. It makes it worse in a way, that she doesn't even consider Yul's (or Shin's) feelings.

4. Does she ever, and I mean ever, make any attempt to be happy in the palace? Of course not, she just chooses to whine, moan, generally mope about, and resent that she has to be there. Okay, I get that she's in a tough position, but I don't ever see her TRY to be happy and happiness is a choice not something that happens to you. She certainly never tries to do anything to improve her situation. Instead she spends all her time thinking about this future divorce

All in all this adds up to one simple conclusion: she doesn't love Shin at all. I'm willing to allow that she may have a crush on him if anything. I mean for god's sake, she goes on and on about the divorce and going home to her family and in the next sentence says that she wants Shin to stay the prince so that she can hear about him and see news about him. Even though she KNOWS that he absolutely doesn't want to be prince or king and had plans to abdicate his position. You don't ask the person you "love" to stay in a position that they hate just so you can see pictures of that person sometimes. Especially when you are leaving that person for holding that position. I mean how stupid/selfish/hurtful can a girl be?

Ugh. I just don't like her or the pace of the story. I can't believe that I got through 9+ volumes of that stuff. Sorry to anyone who likes the series, but it is just not for me.

Of my friends who may read this, I can only think of one who might understand what this rant was all about. To the rest of you, sorry. I just had to get this all out of my system. I feel better now.


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