Title: Life in the Locker
Style: Prose
Genre: Angst
Words: 111
Rating: NC - 17
Length: Drabble
sunsetdawn20, James/Beckett - scarporn @
cutler_beckettPairings: Beckington
Warnings: SCARPORN!
cassiopayaCharacters: Cutler Beckett and James Norrington
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: I think this would make
pink_siamese and
telera proud.
I wish I was dead, the thought echoes in his head. It bounces around his skull and he cannot bring himself to say it aloud. There is a wound in his torso below his heart that has never healed. It is an open scar, a focal point of unholy worship, and scarred hands impinge its edges. Charred lips follow and an insidious tongue penetrates the fissure of flesh in a rapist’s kiss. He does not cry out when the hole in his middle is gored with a scorched prick. I wish I was dead. The thought echoes in his head, but James Norrington is already dead and so is Cutler Beckett.