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The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 1 lit_chick08 April 12 2011, 01:17:42 UTC
The first time Elena thought she might like Matt Donovan as something more than a friend, they were eleven. They were on a field trip to Monticello and Miranda - in her typically absentminded fashion - had given her Jeremy's lunch by mistake. Elena had opened her lunch box to find a ham sandwich and an orange, two of her most hated food stuffs in the world. She had been picking at the Cheeze-Its when Matt sat down next to her and, without saying a word, handed her his turkey sandwich and banana.

The first time Elena knew she liked Matt Donovan as more than a friend, they were thirteen. It was the first year her parents let her go to the Mystic Falls Country Club to watch the 4th of July fireworks without a parent present, and Elena spent an inordinate amount of time picking out her outfit of jean shorts and a red tank top. Once the sun set and the fireworks began, the temperature dropped and Elena shivered, hugging herself to keep the chill away, wishing she had listened to her mother about taking a sweater. And then Matt took off his hoodie and wrapped it around her shoulders, and Elena couldn't resist leaning back into him, smiling when he squeezed her tightly and without the self-consciousness of most boys.

The first time Elena kissed Matt Donovan, it was New Year's Eve. Bonnie's dad let her throw a party, and, as the ball dropped, she couldn't help but keep looking over at Matt, who was leaning against the wall with Tyler, smiling at her before quickly averting his gaze. As everyone was screaming "Happy New Year," blowing noisemakers, and throwing confetti, Elena boldly walked over to him, stretched up on her toes, and pressed her lips firmly against his. Matt hesitated for only a moment before returning it, his hand settling on the small of her back. Afterward she tucked herself neatly into his side and, when Grayson picked them up, he had shaken his head with an amused smile on his lips.

The first time Elena told Matt Donovan she loved him, they were playing touch football on the Lockwood lawn. She had broken past Tyler and Bonnie's boyfriend at the time, the ball tucked tightly to her chest, when Matt came out of nowhere, scooping her up into his arms as she squealed in delight. They tripped and fell to the ground in a tangle, Caroline running past them to grab the ball to head for the makeshift endzone, and, as Matt was helping her up, she declared it with a hint of surprise in her voice, as if she wasn't sure it was really true until she heard it aloud. Matt grinned and echoed it back, kissing her forehead tenderly before pulling her into a headlock.

The first time Elena slept with Matt Donovan, Kelly was gone for the weekend and Vicki was in rehab after getting picked up with a felony amount of Oxy. She lied to her parents about sleeping over at Bonnie's and showed up on Matt's doorstep promptly at eight. They had been talking about it for weeks now, the doctor's daughter portion of her brain insisting on every base being covered, and Matt continued to insist he was okay if she wanted to wait. For the first few minutes together, they were both awkward, unsure how to proceed, if they should go directly to the bedroom or feign a date as if what was about to happen wasn't weighing heavily on both of their minds. And then Matt grinned, a self-deprecating laugh spilling from his lips, and they both devolved into hysterical giggles which slowly transitioned to long, wet kisses, tantalizing caresses, and a first time that was as close to perfect as two sixteen-year-old virgins could have.

The first time Elena knew she was not going to be with Matt Donovan forever, they were working on an English project which required them to write obituaries for themselves detailing the lives they would lead. Elena wrote about going to NYU, traveling the world, the books she planned to write, the adventures she planned to have; Matt wrote about going to tech school to get his mechanic's license, buying a house in Mystic Falls, being a football coach, and having a family. When she carefully mentioned the differences in their plans, Matt shrugged, unconcerned.


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 lit_chick08 April 12 2011, 01:21:41 UTC
The first time Elena knew she was going to break up with Matt Donovan, her parents had been dead for three weeks. Matt came over to visit; her broken ribs didn't allow for much mobility and the idea of going outside wasn't appealing to her anyway. As Jenna burnt dinner and Jeremy blasted System of a Down, Elena sat on her bed and looked at the boy who loved her so much he had slept in her hospital room the night she was brought in and realized it wasn't all-encompassing love she was feeling. There was no desperation or passion with Matt; it was all predictable comfort and the last thing Elena wanted anymore was predictable comfort.

The first time Elena saw Matt Donovan after the break-up, he wouldn't look at her directly. She would catch him looking at her from the corner of his eye, and the pain was so obvious it took all she had not to rush over and hug him. Elena did not remember a single moment of her life Matt was not a part of and helping to comfort each other was second nature. To know she was causing his pain and could not do anything to stop it ate at her; she knew all of their friends thought she was losing her mind but would eventually take him back. Elena worried Matt thought the same thing; only Bonnie knew she had no plans on ever being Matt's girlfriend again.

The first time Elena regretted breaking up with Matt Donovan, she had just found out Stefan Salvatore was a vampire. She sat in the foyer of the house crying against the front door for nearly twenty minutes before stumbling upstairs. After a hot shower, she laid back on her bed and saw the light flashing on her phone indicating she had a text message. It was from Matt, a question about whether or not she still wanted him to change her oil that weekend, but it made Elena start to sob again for what she gave up in the name of passion, the wonderful boy who thought she hung the moon whom she had destroyed with her capriciousness.

The first time Elena knew she was going to get back together with Matt, they were twenty-two. She had returned to Mystic Falls following graduation to interview for the open English teacher position at the high school. Matt was managing the Grill then, finishing up his degree in business at UVA nights and weekends, and he offered her one of the spare rooms in his house until she found a place of her own. They were lying on the couches in the Donovan living room watching a movie when Elena looked up from her book and truly saw the man Matt Donovan had become.

That was the last time Elena ever doubted Matt Donovan was the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 cassiehayes April 12 2011, 01:34:06 UTC


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 lit_chick08 April 14 2011, 15:47:36 UTC
haha Loving the caps-attack

I feel like Matt deserves a happy ending. After all, in canon, it is physically impossible for something good to happen to him.


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 cassiehayes April 16 2011, 11:48:02 UTC

Oh gosh, I completely agree, poor boy's life is just so constantly tragic, I just want to hug him.


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Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 lit_chick08 April 14 2011, 15:48:58 UTC
In my head canon, if there were no vampires, Elena and Matt would still end up together, complete with Elena teaching and Matt managing the grill and there would be a house with an actual picket fence and a golden retriever puppy and adorable babies and only happy things would happen to them...

/end of my walk into left field


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 starsimpulse April 12 2011, 05:38:28 UTC
okay, um wow. i am legit speechless rn. hold on while i try to find some coherency.

first off, ARE YOU A MIND READER? because when i was posting this i wanted it to be five firsts for matt & elena but then i was like "NO ONE WILL WRITE THAT. be more generic." so i changed it and then, AND THEN YOU DID THIS THING. you are a magical, glorious human being.

okay, so when this started out i expected it to be the most adorable pre-series!fic to ever be adorable AND IT WAS, I CAN'T EVEN, but theeeen it was future!fic, and they end up together. THEY END UP TOGETHER. OTP FOREVER. this fic is all i have ever wanted AND SO MUCH MORE. BEST EVER.

okay, so things i loved the most (ALL OF IT): her just walking up and kissing him, AND THEM PLAYING FOOTBALL, and how it's almost like she doesn't know it's true until she say's it out loud, just the way that happens for them, how it is kind of a big deal and also not, because of course they love each other, of course she loves him, she has loved him her entire life, AND THEN HE KISSES HER FOREHEAD AND PULLS HER INTO A HEADLOCK. i can not even tell you which part i am more delighted and excited by. probably the headlock though, because theeeeeeeeeeem. but also, forehead kisses. &hearts A+ choice to have both.

also, grayson being SO AMUSED at the pair of them, ilu grayson, and miranda's typical absent mindedness, because you never read miranda like this, and i love it a lot. so much more relatable, imo. and eleeeeeeeeeeeeeennaaaaaaaaaa. wanting to make sure every base was covered. i love her so much, sometimes. and their future different lives, and how unconcerned matt is, and elena's broken ribs, AND HOW MATT SLEPT IN HER HOSPITAL ROOM, because if that is not pre-series!canon i don't know what is. and how she can not remember A SINGLE MOMENT OF HER LIFE that matt was not a part of (and how much that changes. weeping forever).

and okay, my legit favorite part is that the first time she regrets breaking up with matt is after she finds out about stefan, and how after that horrible night there is a TEXT MESSAGE FROM MATT because he still changes her oil because he is the BEST BOY IN THE WORLD and how he still just loves her so much and wants to be there for her, and she had destroyed him with her capriciousness (such good choice of words, btw. i just love that elena has that word floating around in her vocabulary) and how heartbroken she was about the things she gave up, and THEN THE ENDING. the lives that they lived, are living, I LOVE ALL OF THIS SO MUCH. IT IS PERFECT. and so are you for filling this. &hearts

ugh, sorry that i just liked recaped this whole thing. whateves, I REGRET NOTHING.


Re: The First Cut Is The Deepest (Matt/Elena) - Part 2 lit_chick08 April 14 2011, 15:51:34 UTC
I don't know how I missed this prompt in the first place. The second I saw it, I immediately knew I could make unleash my Matt/Elena head canon upon you.

I always imagine Matt and Elena just being very normal, happy kids before her parents died, and I don't think there's enough happy!normal!Elena in fandom or nearly enough Matt in general. I'm glad you liked it. And don't worry, you have nothing to regret :)


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