Busy, Busy

Sep 28, 2009 08:28

Just realized I haven't written in two months. Oops!

Soooo, my last post was in late July. Since then I've:

-Finished my BNATP class and graduated with an overall grade of 99%. I did one month of clinicals at the Marklund Children's Home in Bloomingdale and totally LOVED it. The kids there are all so wonderful and inspiring. They taught me a lot and I'm super grateful for the experience.

-After that I started on the floor at my Marlklund [Geneva/Mill Creek]. I've already spoken to one of my superiors about a promotion that I'm very excited about. More on that once I actually start in that position ;) I've been working nights and I'm definitely ready to switch to days. My schedule has been pretty insane.

-Lauren Grieve visited! She stayed for two weeks and we had a blast. We spent a few days in Chicago, saw Jersey Boys [amazing!], went camping, etc. It was great. She even met my Grandparents, lmfao.

-Got some new apartment furniture, decorations, and clothes. Finally. We're painting again in the next few days because we've decided to go for a more 'earthy African' look. We weeeere going with a contemporary Japanese feel, but this is more warm and inviting ;D

-Adopted two gerbils. They're both girls and, apparently, pregnant. The pet shop we got them from mixes the genders of their adoption rodents... so they said there's a 95% chance that they're both pregnant! Looking forward to baby gerbils in the near future :D We also met a wonderful parrot there... so now I want one. Too bad he was $650 :(

Other than that, we're looking forward to our 1.5 year wedding anniversary [yes, we celebrate half years. Shut up!] in a few days and a Toronto trip in a couple of weeks. We need to go up to get Bradley's new passport and work visaaaaa. And today's my little sister's 15th birthday! Time flies.

Oh, and I'm a brunette again ;)
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