Dec 17, 2007 20:18
The weather the past few days has been horrible. I have not gone out, but at least I'm starting to feel slightly better. The cold and snow and freezing rain I have been told is horrible. I have yet to experience any of it. This week is doctors week for me. I'm not looking forward to the appointments, but they have to happen. I know that they will go well, just have to get to them. It will be busy, but okay. I do also have a massage tomorrow that I'm really looking forward to.
I started to get Christmas wrapping under way. I can't believe how much I have not wrapped. Most years I have it all wrapped well before 7 days before Christmas. I think this year I just let it go by. I think I've been busy, but that is okay. I'm slowly getting everything up for Christmas. Yes I know just in time to take it down, but I still want it up to make the holidays happy for me. I did find out that I'll have more company for Christmas than I expected. I'll have to see if I changes plans for the day or not. We shall have to see what happens.
I certainly hope that I have more patience over the next few days than I did today. I'm trying to keep things going. I have some cleaning that I want to get done and it is going slowly, but it is going better. I'm sorta excited about some of it. I also planned out dinners for the week. I have not done that in ages, but it made me feel better. I just need to buy the food for those meals. I have been working on my cleaning just like the book suggested. I have not been great about it but I did keep it up.
I need to work more on my fitness. My steps are not high and my everything else has been lacking. I'm going to get back in shape. I just need to find motivation and keep at it.
I was hoping to make 50 books this year. I'm short 2 books right now. I might get one finished, but not 2 at the rate I'm reading. I think I'll just have to be happy with that. It is at least close to 50. I might try and read something easy to just fill the void, I do have a few books I have started, just not sure I'll get them done. I did better than I thought I was going to. I just need to work on 50 for next year. I'm going to try and make book club at well. At least one of them. I've had a hard time keeping up with the reading for the one. It is not easy with them picking two books a month. I can read one, but two is hard. The other I just need to make at least once. I have not been in a while. Maybe the next one I can make it. It all depends on if I have a baby sitter or not. Blah so much to do so little time.
50 books,