Work went okay yesterday, between pull down and shipment. I felt like I got nothing done. I really feel like I made a bigger mess than got cleaned up. I'm sure Bryan looked at me the same. So I must have left it a mess. *sigh* I got some of it done, just not tons. I felt totally useless. My leg did not make it much easier and add in the fact that people were VERY rude to me. I hate rude people. I did at least see a few people I have not seen in a while. They were nice, but the other were not. I am amazed how rude people can be.
At least the night was nice and relaxing. I got to spend some time with Paul. It was nice to finally spend some time with just the two of us. We played some games and watched some TV and then ate dinner. I was so exhausted that after that I feel asleep. I love him so much. I guess some times I just don't tell him that enough.
Today is a busy work and cleaning day. I have some catching up on cleaning to do. I have put it off for a few days. Lots to do and never enough time. I did get some catching up done on Premiere! I'm very happy to have only a few piles of CDs left. :) That means I'll have time for other small projects.
Tonight should be the last of the Scifi Fridays for 3 months. UGH. Oh well that much I can do. I really hate having the season split like that, but not much I can say. I have been re-watching BSG season 1. It has been interesting to watch the plot that is happening and I did not really see it at the time. Sorta like reading a book the second time. You see more the second or third time than you do the first. :)
Osiris seems to be acting much more like himself. I'll be calling on Monday to find out more about the test results if we have not heard anything by then. Setesh and Osiris seem to be playing and acting like both are fine. Which makes me happy.
My leg still seems to think it is really stiff. I'm dealing with it, but the pain is driving me a little crazy. I talked to the nurse. She says to stay off my feet as much as I can. Like that will really happen too much. We shall see.
Tomorrow I head off to see a few friends I have not seen in a while. That should be tons of fun for me and I hope that Becca is still going with me. It will make the drive a lot more fun. :) Then more fun planed for Sunday. It should be a good weekend.
I'm finally heard from almost all my friends I have in Texas. I wish them all well and my prayers are with them all..
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