I Survived

Oct 05, 2008 09:36

Hello dear flist!  First of all I'd like to send huge hugs to everyone and especially my dears ladyithildiel  and laurelinofwotr .  My thoughts and prayers are with you always, even if I can't be here.

Well, I survived closeout of the fiscal year once again at work.  The overtime nearly killed me this time; I'm just getting to old for this kind of stress.  :(  Or rather the stress is making me too old.  I was going to make my boss handle things on closeout night and leave around 7pm (1900) but the Budget Officer begged me to stay.  She said she may have money for communications equipment and didn't trust my boss to process it correctly.  Great.  And then later when my boss asked me, "Why don't you go home?" I had to tell him, "because Capt M, asked me to stay."  He just looked at me like he knew why but didn't want to discuss it and then he walked away.  So we both just sat there with nothing to do.  I worked 14.5 hours that day and money never came down.  Finally she told me I could leave at 10:30pm (2200).  And then when I came in the next morning I found that there was an error made at around 11:30pm that my boss couldn't handle, the Budget Officer had to figure it out for him.  *thud*  Oh how I wish time would fly for my new job to start! lol

I still don't know when that will be.  Our personnel office is so slow in processing these things.  The last time I looked, it looks like nothing has been done yet.  But I've received some very nice compliments from those who matter; one being the Comptroller who told me I was doing a fantastic job.  *bounces*  Oh! and three more jobs opened up, one of which they called me personnaly to ask for my resume.  :)

On the home front, I've been busy here too.  We've been trying to get ready for winter early this year so we are not out in the cold to do it.  We had wood delivered, dug a pit for our winter ash, cut brush and dead trees to use for kindling, resealed some doors and dug deeper wells around our baby trees.  The resealing was kind of urgent since we found another baby bull snake in the house.  He must have crawled in where the seal had rotted under the front door.  *yikes*  Well at least it wasn't a rattler. ;)  Next Saturday we plan to rent a chiper for more brush clearing.  I'll use the wood chips to put in those tree wells.  :)

And thats about it...so very little time for any real fun but I've managed a few minutes at bedtime to slowly re-read Harry Potter.  I read it so fast last year (all seven books in five weeks) that I thought I'd re-read to catch more detail.  And I have caught some.  It's such an enjoyable read...she is simply brilliant!

*hugs everyone tight*

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