Pre-Super Bowl Fun

Feb 03, 2008 15:09

Hello Everyone! It's been a lovely Sunday, not too much to do; just a little housework and cooking. We had a fresh snowfall last night too, so it's been cozy being home and feeling lazy under the crispy grey skies...waiting for the Super Bowl.   My Saturday was nice too, went to a baby shower for my neice, but she could not be there...Oh, I guess I should say, I have a brand new Grandnephew! Yep, he came early and Mama was still too sore and weak to go out. My sis and I ended up delivering all the presents to her afterward so I got to see him...he is so cute! They named him Jacob Pete (Pete after his Grandpa) Everyone kept saying he has his Dad's chin, but then jokingly said, "Without the goatee of course"! LOL

And then last night we watched 3:10 to Yuma. I liked it, to me it was very interesting, scenic (in more ways than one *naughty*) lol, but sad. I didn't like at the end how very sad it was.

Work is still dragging me down with this new boss. He talks alot about how he doesn't like to be idle, wants to keep busy, but he doesn't 'do' a whole lot. Partly because he just doesn't know how. So much for his degree. :( But I've put some things off on him, things that the boss should be responsible for and things that cause me too much stress. And I'm continuing to apply for other jobs. The competition is still strong, but I'm optimistic. ;)

Finally, I'll try to place under a cut ...(I'm duking it out with lj, so pardon the mess I've made within) ...a lil meme I got from my sweet 

In 1979 I had already been married four years (yup,I'm that old lol ) and I was a waitress at a restaurant called
HIdden Valley. It really was located in a hidden valley; in the beautiful desert foothills of Mount Lemmon, near
Tucson, Arizona.

I remember the deer used to dart out in front of our car on the way to work and back, which is a scary in itself,
but even scarier since there were alot of cliffs and winding roads. And we had a tiny little car at the time; a
Triumph GT6 fastback. Imagine a hoof passing by your windshield as you wind around a sharp curve! It was
quite nerve racking! We stayed safe however, safer than some of the other people we heard about...but I won't
go into that.

The restaurant was really neat, like an old timey western town, built completely out of wood with mock store fronts and old covered wagons out front. Inside it was cozy with rustic wood, cozy red carpet and private booths set up to look sort of like horse stalls. There was a hallway that had miniature displays of each American Indian Tribe and in the great room, a huge miniature circus carved completely from wood. It was so detailed that the little people even had expressions on their faces. The food was excellent; roasted prime rib, steaks mesquite broiled over a huge pit, Alaskan King Crab and grilled red snapper all served with cowboy beans. Mmmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it. lol We even spent our leisure time at Hidden Valley, where we would gather in the lounge with all of our friends after work. Saturday nights were spent there too; drinking beers and watching the original cast of Saturday Night Live. It was hilarious when it was new and fresh!

My Hubby was just finishing his first tour of four years in the Air Force that year too. He decided to get out and go
to work rebuilding an old DC6 cargo plane, which was to be used fighting forest fires in Colorado. He also
started college in the fall of that year.

I remember we were so poor! LOL We lived in a tiny two bedroom duplex, had two doggies (Cocker and Springer spaniels mixed), but no kids yet; they didn't come until our sixth and eleventh years of marriage. 
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