(no subject)

Sep 27, 2007 08:08

life as of now.

its 8:09am and i've been at starbucks this morning already for over an hour.
i got four hours of sleep like i have every night for a week and i think i'm beginning to numb.

my job more than pays the bills though - so no whining here. me and financial stability are becoming pretty good aquantences and while my credit card debt is mad that it is no longer able to sit there collecting and mocking me...i'm okay with hurting its feelings.

school is a little insane with trying to fill out graduate school applications, keep up with all five of my classes and try and politely explain to my teachers why i will not organize events this semester. (i already planned a teach-in and wanted to kill myself from stress).

my friend rachel got a job working for Lutheran World Relief as a campaign ambassador to the United Nations. she'll be traveling around Europe talking to different political leaders about malaria in south africa. i know......fucking ridiculous. she's amazingly intelligent and absurdly, almost insanely disciplined. at 22 the girl has already recieved her masters in international studies.

i have a date today. if there was such a thing as love at first sight.....i would fullly believe thats what has happened to me with this Mr. Thomas Knapp. he was born in France, and has lived in london for most of his life. he reads books, cares about the environment, thinks hunting is cruel and thinks americans are gun crazy in general, he is witty, his "grandad" is a dean at Oxford University, he never went to college but he's a financial consultant and travels to the middle east frequently. i met him yesterday when he came into my work. we talked for almost two hours. we texted eachother all last night and today we are hanging out. i have two weeks to make him fall in love with me. did i mention he's gorgeous?

am i crazy? yep. do i love it? uh huh.
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