
Aug 26, 2007 23:37

i don't think it is possible to be more honored than i am to know my brother alex.
every email i receive, every conversation we have...i continue to be stunned by his complete and utter brilliance.

his heart is gold and his mind so pure. the child is so innocent and so incredibly deep.

and have i mentioned that he's a certified genius?

he told me i was his best friend. i almost cried.

this is the poem he sent me today: (he's been reading a bunch of Poe lately and wanted to try out his style)

I Scream Helplessly into the Night

Darkness comes, the world freezes
in time,
through the window the
moonlight shines.
Not uttering a word nor daring to breathe,
from the blackness it continues to seethe.
Standing their stalking, preying
on me,
the deadliest predator that I
cannot see
the one I fear, the object of my fright,
and I scream helplessly into the night.

Is it moving, where is
it now?
I want to run but suddenly don’t
know how.
And it stands, darkness its lair,
can I even say that its there?
It’s right behind me, I can feel
it’s breath
In its gnarled hands, I can sense
every death.
But it remains there in shadow, out of sight
as I sit there through the endless night.

The creature stares at me and I
stare back,
it stalls me, waiting to attack
Trapped in a room with a fear-hungry beast
On my fright it greedily feasts.
Why is it waiting, why doesn’t it
just kill?
Will I have to wait to
daylight until
it comes to me, and without a fight
no one will here my screams through the night?

I cannot bear the
tension anymore,
I don’t know what this torture
is for.
But now I hear steps towards me
Oh, how I wish, I wish I could see.
Closer now, closer is
the sound,
Slowly tightening its
grip around,
and when I turn to face the villain out of sight
I scream helplessly into the night.

...did i mention that he just turned 12?
and this is the first draft of this poem. he emailed it to me to ask for editing help.

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