Garage Sale

Aug 19, 2014 19:00

A large-scale privatization of all state-owned enterprises will be conducted in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian government is going to perform a large-scale privatization of all state-owned enterprises excluding strategic ones, because the government ownership turned into a source of corruption. This was announced by the Ukrainian prime-minister Arseny Yatsenyuk during a working visit to Cherkassy region, says the UNIAN information agency.

"The goal of the government is to sell the state property excluding strategic. Today the state property is a subject of unprecedented corruption. The office of prime-minister is full of people's representatives. Do you think they bring concepts of reforms? They care about appointing their people into state companies. How can we overcome this corruption in any way other than selling these state companies, I don't see," - said Yatsenyuk.

Earlier the government included the state shares in 8, 7 of them 100% in the share capital of 15 enterprises in the sphere of development, health care, and also in the mining industry into the list of state-owned objects subject to privatization in 2014.
By July 17, 164 objects were included into the list of state-owned objects subject to privatization in 2014, the estimated value of which amounts to 15 billion UAH. - link (in Russian)

PS. That is, the characters confess that they cannot manage a productive economy in principle as well as not able to do anything about the corruption in the state sector. The question of how they are going to fight corruption and machinations during the privatization of state property remained unanswered. Apparently, with the same success that Chernovol had "fighting" corruption is now had by Yatsenyuk.
In essence the sale of the last remaining state-owned objects is announced. The previous power of the supporters of "stable looting" even tried to repair something there and somehow supported it in a half-dead state, but the "euro-integrators" apparently will perform the last stage of deindustrializing Ukraine by the best examples from the beginning of the 90s. Protection and racketeering are already there, only "privatization" needs to be repeated.

Original article: (in Russian)

ukraine, junta, idiots, economy, yatsenyuk, privatization

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