The separatists will capture Kharkov in May

Mar 20, 2015 15:12

Translation of the banner: Kharkov is a Russian city!

A funny temper tantrum by the Ukrainian “nationally conscious” ones concerning Kharkov.

The separatists will capture Kharkov in May! Preparations are continuing, neither the army/police nor the executive authority are in Ukrainian hands. We are driving through the same checkpoints, undergo searches, but that wouldn’t be all that bad if it weren’t for the fact they are searching only the volunteers and their helpers.
Checkpoint in Kharkov: “You from Aidar?”-people in police uniform surround my minivan.

“No, civilian volunteers,” I answer.
“So why the f*** are you wearing camouflage?”, the police ask me. “We were visiting various positions, we were in the mud, didn’t want to get civilian clothes dirty,” I’m trying to explain.
“Get your things ready for inspection, and don’t f****** think you’re leaving any time soon. You visited Aidar?”-a two-meter cop asks me.
Two more cops approach. “You from Aidar, m*****f*****?” They start searching, thank God they didn’t simply dump everything onto the asphalt, only onto the floor of the vehicle. We spent about an hour at the checkpoint, but managed to shift the conversation in a calmer direction. As it turned out, the search was conducted by former Berkut troops. They hate the Aidar and the Right Sector. They enthusiastically travel to the Crimea, saying “Everything’s great there, some of our guys from Lvov went there.” As soon as I mention the “separatists” they get angry: “What separatists? What, are you all f***** in the head? Don’t you understand the guys there are fighting for their future?” They also really like Kernes. When I say “Puilo caused a great deal of harm”, they answer “and what is your f****** Poroshenko doing?” Once they calm down we ask, “what do you want?” They answer “normal work, order in the country, obedience, wages like in Russia.” “So why don’t you go to Russia?”, I ask. “Russia’s here, kid, it is and will be.” With such law enforcement WE WILL LOSE KHARKOV! - (c) Taras Eleiko. (in Russian) - link

P.S. The destruction of the “nationally conscious” dogma is obviously breaking down upon contact with reality in which large masses of the inhabitants of the South-East view the Ukrainian authorities as occupiers whom they hate and tolerate, until their hatred finds an outlet as it did in Konstantinovka. Similar processes are underway in Kharkov. The main thing is to ensure that once that hatred comes to the fore, it is not dissipated in a spontaneous rebellion but is directed at overthrowing the junta’s rule.
As to May, who knows how this war will go…
Original article: (in Russian)
Yandex translation of the comments posted to the original Russian blog entry:

This translation was contributed to this blog by one of the readers.

ukraine, kharkov people's republic, civil war, punitive troops, kharkov, war in ukraine, ukrainscios

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