Criminal proceedings started against Kernes

Mar 05, 2015 23:47


The office of Prosecutor General of Ukraine officially announced that it suspects the mayor of Kharkov Gennadiy Kernes of committing a number of crimes. This is announced by "Ukrinform".
The official is accused of the articles "Illegal imprisonment of abduction of a person", "Torture", and "Threat of murder", writes
According to the prosecutors, Kernes was already familiarized with the details of the case. Later it will be directed towards the Highest Specialized Court of Ukraine, which will determine where exactly it will be considered.
In the Kharkov's city council they said on March 4th that Kernes is in his office. The council representative Yuri Sidorenko said that the mayor "is not leaving for anywhere".
Kernes and his guards are suspected of abducting the activists of Euromaidan in January of 2014. The criminal proceedings against him were initiated back in the end of February of 2014, soon after the regime change in Ukraine. For some time after it he remained under house arrest. Later the investigation was suspended, but in early August it became known that it had resumed. (in Russian) - link

PS. Actually, already after the replacement of Yarema by Shokin and the start of the campaign against the regionals (the arrest of Yefremov, "suicide" of Chechetov), it became clear that Kernes won't be left alone; moreover the minister of internal affairs Avakov has a grudge against him. The recent false-flag explosion in Kharkov, following which Kernes also received his portion of accusations, was quite reasonably viewed as directed against Kernes among other people who are viewed as disloyal.
As for Kernes himself, despite the fact that he surrendered Kharkov to the junta and services Kolomoisky, he is a classical scoundrel-opportunist, who always tries to cross to the winner and spins around like a weathercock. When Kernes understood in March that an uprising in Kharkov is not working out, he quickly changed colors and started to sabotage the local uprising, playing along with the junta. Kernes' people played an important role in the capture of the Kharkov regional administration by the junta and it would seem that he may be able to get the right to reign. But the rivalry with Avakov didn't allow Kernes to change the side without consequences this time, he was still suspected of supporting separatists, not speaking of various accusations of corruption, theft, and abuse of power. And even the quite weird assassination attempt, which either happened or didn't happen, didn't save Kernes from questions. Now, when a new prosecutor general has been installed, they'll try to bring Kernes down and install someone more loyal to the junta in Kharkov, who will serve it not just due to selfish interest, like Kernes.
Is Kernes going to survive? This cannot be excluded - his contacts with Kolomoisky, who has long since become an opponent for the Kiev officials, may provide Kernes with certain media and political support, which may not allow them to simply jail him, like it was done with Yefremov. Although if Shokin has a carte-blanche from Poroshenko, it cannot be ruled out that this support will be ignored and Kernes will be locked in and a new gauleiter, who will have to fight the "separatist sentiment" and "Russian influence" more effectively, will be appointed in Kharkov.

I don't really care much for Kernes, this person betrayed those Kharkov residents who weren't afraid to come out on the streets and say their 'no' to the fascist junta, which Kernes serves.

Original article: (in Russian)

kolomoisky, junta, terrorism, poroshenko, party of regions, kharkov people's republic, kharkov, fascism, kernes

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