Relevant truth

Mar 05, 2015 22:41

Translation of the tweet shown below:
I'm sorry, but for me the war against Russia is already over, I no longer give a shit - there's nothing to heat the house with :( All of these Yatsenyuks, Poroshenkos and Groysmans are bastards...

Briefly on the topic of the enlightenment.
As it was written back in December, both Ukraine and Novorossia will be able to survive this winter, more or less. It was hard, the crisis tendencies increased, there were several deaths due to hunger on the territory of the DPR and the LPR, but overall the social-economic collapse of the DPR and the LPR didn't happen. The collapse of junta, which has been expected by certain propagandists since the autumn, also didn't happen. The feeding of Novorossia by Russia and of the junta by the West is not letting the situation enter the phase of an uncontrolled catastrophe. But overall, there is nothing good from the point of view of the social and economic situation in Ukraine and in Novorossia. The destruction of life support infrastructure on the territory of Novorossia, the economic collapse in Ukraine push masses of people into poverty. The first victim is the former Ukrainian "middle class", which now joins the ranks of the poor.

When Yanukovich was in power, if compared to what happens now, people actually did fairly well. Naturally, those who are affected by the consequences of the coup (besides those who were affected by the civil war) start to feel the results of changes on their own skin. This is pretty much the proverbial common fate that mercilessly knocked on the door of a typical layman. In Donbass the main problem is not even the fact that there's nothing to pay with for heating (although this too), but rather that the local boiler house is e.g. ruined by "Grad". In Ukraine the main problem is primarily the sharp increase in tariffs, which tend towards "being European" despite the Ukrainian level of salaries. In the end, a part of the middle class is being suffocated into the swamp of poverty. Now beyond various frivolities like "free travel to Europe", "lace panties", and "morality of power" it is being concerned by more down-to-the-earth questions associated with the lack of money for food and communal services. If in the case of Donbass the main set of problems is mostly associated with the war, when the very foundation of normal functioning of the society is being ruined, then what happens in Ukraine is more reminiscent of Greece after the economic collapse, when huge masses of people were shoved into poverty out of the sphere of cheap credit economy. Later they got another haircut due to the econo-canniballistic reforms of the IMF, which are still in the future for the Ukraine. Actually, it is precisely the "communal" and "economic" knocking on the door of each home, the residents of which "have nothing to do with the situation in the country", that keeps certain hopes alive for the principal mass of the population coming to their senses at least in the medium term. The same Greeks needed many years to comprehend the depth of the social-economic asshole into which they got, so I wouldn't count on altogether rapid enlightenment of the collectively insane Ukrainian society. The process of the enlightenment will be long and painful.

Original article: (in Russian)

ukraine, economy, greece, imf

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