A brief but important update

Nov 06, 2014 07:26

A brief but important update.

1. Strelkov replied to the questions on the famous "secret" forum:

Translation of the text below: "STRELKOV ANNOUNCES:"

Question: You'd better promote your return into Novorossia and an upcoming victory over the coffins who promote themselves on the pieces of "Country 404"
Answer by I.I.: I would be happy to, but I cannot and I don't want to introduce additional chaos where everything "couldn't be worse" already. By this I mean the political rear of the militia. Returning means to provoke a sharp conflict with the newly elected officials.
No matter what they are - they are supported by Russia. Standing against them without "muscovite" support means to enter a union with the Ukies, who dream of the internal conflicts in Novorossia.

Question: The most important thing is - what's next?
Answer by I.I.: War is next, what's not clear? Just like it continues now. The question is only how long it will continue and what will be its intensity. The Ukies are waiting for the moment when the return of vacationers will be absolutely impossible. And for now they'll keep hammering Donbass "into the Stone Age" by terrorist shelling.

Question; Does the militia have the ability to start an offensive or they'll keep just snapping back?
Answer by I.I.: Time will show. For now the militia cannot engage in large-scale offensive. Why - I cannot explain openly. There are many factors here, and the human factor is not the least important.

Question: Do you think that large-scale shipments of weapons from the West are possible? And open participations by the Western military units? (not the contractors and "wild geese", but regular units)
Answer: For now neither Europe nor the USA are ready to send their soldiers to the Ruin. What will happen in the Spring is  not clear. By that time they may be ready. The Ukies have sufficiently many weapons of our, Soviet, origin. The Kharkov tank factory repairs armored vehicles in three shifts. The number of small arms in the warehouses are sufficient for 10 of the current "ATO forces", if not more. The West will provide (already provides) the drons, means of communication, radio-electronic warfare, and so on.

2. A warning http://warday.su/lenta.html#dt0201 (in Russian) by the military intelligence of the DPR.

The intelligence structures of Novorossia receive the information about a large-sacle massive provocation by the AFU, which is directed at the direct collapse of the Minsk agreements and at discrediting Novorossia in the eyes of the international community.
The "Right Sector" militants dressed into old Russian camo ("Flora") with the Vostok battalion insignia arrived into Karlovka (DPR) for this purpose.
It is expcted that the disguised terrorists will carry out a slaughter of civilians, which will be blamed on the DPR military.
Such methods were widely used by the OUN-UPA bandits during the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period with the goal of discrediting the partisans and later the Soviet law-enforcement officials in the eyes of the local population.

We ask for maximum spreading!

3. The press-sevice of Mozgovoi about the informational campaign against him:

image Click to view

4. Children perished in Donetsk during shelling.

English translation of the text below:
Marina Svetova
Two kids perished today, an 8-th grader and a 18-year old high school graduate.
An artillery shell hit the building of School No. 63 in Kuybyshev district of Donetsk. During this time the kids played soccer near the school. They died due to very heavy shrapnel wounds. Four people were wounded: 3 17-year-olds and one 21-year-old.
All wounded children were brought into the Donetsk regional traumatology. Currently they are under intensive care. One heavily wounded, three have moderate severity wounds.

Overall, more than 20 civilians perished in Donbass during November 5 as a result of shelling.

image Click to view

5. Summaries.

1 A video summary for November 4-5 http://voicesevas.ru/news/yugo-vostok/6763-voyna-na-yugo-vostoke-onlayn-05112014-hronika-sobytiy.html (in Russian)
2. War in Donbass for November 5 - a broadcast on the "Voice of Sevastopol" http://voicesevas.ru/news/yugo-vostok/6763-voyna-na-yugo-vostoke-onlayn-05112014-hronika-sobytiy.html (in Russian)
3. A summary of the military events in Novorossia for November 4 http://cassad.net/category/war/986-svodka-voennyh-sobytiy-v-novorossii-za-04112014.html (in Russian)
4. A commander of the SRG "Varyag" Matyushin (whom Antyufeyev tried to arrest in the Summer) about the situation in Donbass after the elections of November 2nd http://voicesevas.ru/news/yugo-vostok/6782-komandir-varyaga-ob-obstanovke-v-donecke-posle-vyborov.html (in Russian)

Original article: http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1883088.html (in Russian)

donetsk people's republic, junta, mozgovoy, war in ukraine, lugansk people's republic, novorossia, fascism, strelkov

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