yay for lots and lots of arg speak

Jun 18, 2006 00:46

As she mentioned in her LJ, I had a lovely dinner with phaedra_amunet tonight at PF Changs. This allowed Phaedra the opportunity to delicately and graciously as possible inform me that I was definitely eating the Cantonese Duck incorrectly. For future reference, you'll find that I am completely comfortable with being blatantly called a dumbass and promptly being corrected in a most humiliating manner, which may or may not include slapstick violence to my cranium. But I appreciate the kindness, nonetheless. :o)

Anyway, we spent a LOT of time talking about ARGs: those gone by, META-ey goodness, ILB stuff (with me wistfully sighing, wishing I had been around back then), etc. It is really great to hear some of the history of this fun little world I find myself increasingly drawn into. If the rest of you are as fun and interesting as she is, ARGFest-o-Con is going to be incredible.


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