my board, it is broken

Mar 03, 2008 13:35

I had my first Taekwondo belt test on Saturday. I demonstrated basic striking and kicking techniques, two (two others were unnecessary) one-step sparring techniques, two holding techniques, and a twenty step form (a sequence of moves in a specific order and direction), appropriately entitled Basic One.

The board break was after that. Since this was my first test, I use a prescribed kick. From here on out, I choose which kick I will use for the break. My break was a front-kick, side-kick combination, meaning I started with my left foot back, performed a basic front kick with my left foot (simply demonstrating the kick, not making contact with anything), stepped down so that my right foot was now back, brought it up (chambered) into a side kick position, and performed a side kick to break through the board.

It broke! First try! My aim was a little off, as you can see by the unequal pieces, but overall I'm happy with the results. I should receive my Advanced White Belt (white with a black stripe) on Friday.



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