Why Don't You Stay? (4/4) [Chuck/Cas]

Mar 03, 2010 04:44

Title: Why Don't You Stay?
Pairing: Chuck/Cas
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 8,300
Summary: Chuck and Castiel have become very good friends. Eventually, the lines between 'just friends' and 'something more' become blurred.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: So, I'm SUCH a Dean/Cas shipper, it took months for my friend to convince me that Sam/Cas slash wasn't the end of the world. So this one snuck up on me. I have never read Castiel with anyone who isn't a Winchester, and I've never written him with anyone other than Dean. So, I apologize if there seems to be a case of Jealous!Dean here. I think I may have dreamed this, because I litterally woke up with this on my mind, sat down, and it wrote itself completely. This story is my baby, I love it, and I kind of want to hug and kiss it. Title from the song 'Stay' by Sugarland, which is an unrelated song, but I listened to it about 30 times while I wrote this, so forgive me.

They had been in bed together for hours, wrapped up in the comfort of each other's company. Chuck slept most of the time, enjoying the feel of having Cas so close. Sometimes, he would wake up, and they would tease and test. Touching each other here, kissing each other there. They would stop when things got too heated, keeping themselves glued to the concept of taking it slow.

Their comfortable silence was shattered by a loud banging on the door. Chuck fell out of bed quickly, tangled in the blankets. When Castiel saw that it was taking him minutes just to find his clothes, he answered the door himself.

"Hey, Cas, how ya been?" Dean smacked him on the shoulder, grinning wildly, before pushing his way past, into the living room.

"Where's Chuck?" Sam stepped forward, clearly confused. "Is he alright?"

"Yes, Sam. He's..." Castiel's words were cut off by a muffled thump upstairs, followed by a string of curses and obscenities. "He's struggling to locate his clothing."

Sam's eyebrows shot up on his face, and Castiel could hear Dean choke on his drink behind him.

"Okay, well, I hope he's having some luck with that." Sam scratched the back of his neck as he quickly followed his older brother's trail to the living room.

"Hey guys!" Chuck bounded down the stairs, rounding into the room, finding himself instantly held captive by the arms of Sam Winchester.

"Hey Chuck, how have you been? Castiel said..." Sam stopped himself, considering that it may be too early to talk about it.

"I have been..." Chuck's gaze looked far away, focused on something in his mind, rather than the room.

"He's been coping." Castiel finished for him, placing his hands lightly on Chuck's hips, guiding him to the couch.

"Good to hear." Dean was already pouring his second shot. Cas sat down beside Chuck, forgetting to put any distance between themselves.

"Dude, where the hell is your remote?" Sam asked after looking behind every piece of furniture in the room.

"Uh, that's probably a good question, I really have no clue. We haven't really been down here very much." Chuck shifted, folding one leg under himself, effectively causing him to lean into Cas.

"Uh huh." Third shot for Dean.

"Dean..." Sam's voice was a warning.

"What?" Dean raised his hands, grinning.

The night turned out to be a much needed getaway for Chuck. He found himself smiling at Sam's awkward clumsiness, and grimacing at Dean's retelling of failed attempts at hooking up with random waitresses. The whiskey warmed his blood, and he felt himself relaxing more and more. Eventually, around two in the morning, Dean pointed out that Chuck was the one to hit a complete drunken stupor first, as opposed to Sam, as was usual. Chuck just laughed, shrugging his shoulders, and let his hand drop into Castiel's lap.

Dean looked away, playing with the label on the glass bottle in his hand.

Chuck felt his eyes start to close, and he struggled to keep them open. He wasn't ready to go yet.

Dean launched into another story, snapping Sam's attention back from the ceramic cat on the shelf.

"Hey Sammy, remember that time when Melinda threatened to steal the car, and then she didn't even know how to start it?" Dean was throwing his head back with laughter, probably not hearing Sam's reply.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure her name was Melissa." Sam was laughing too. "Actually, I think it might have been Stacey."

Cas smiled, cherishing moments like these. He so rarely got to see the brothers in a good mood. And both at the same time was downright unheard of. All of that was forgotten, though, when Chuck turned to him, leaning further against his body.

Castiel swallowed hard as Chuck began kissing his neck lightly, moving slowly upward. Cas pushed at Chuck gently when he started sucking at his earlobe, letting his fingers roam around his lap.

"Chuck!" Cas kept his voice down, and his eyes on the Winchesters. They were still laughing, unseeing with their squinted eyes. But that wouldn't last long, he knew. "Stop!"

Sam had settled down now, catching the scene unfolding on the couch.

Castiel picked up Chuck's hand, moving it from his lap to his knee. "Later." He shot the word at him, almost angrily.

Sam slid out of his chair as his laughter picked back up.

Dean and Sam had passed out at almost the exact same moment. Their heads hit the backs of their chairs in unison, and two glasses hit the floor with one loud crack. Chuck had distanced himself from Cas a bit, sobering himself up quickly. He was still tipsy, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over him from time to time, but he was functioning. For the most part.

Castiel pushed him up off the couch, making sure he was steady on his feet before taking his hands off of him. They made their rounds, cleaning up after the Hurricane Winchester, before finding themselves in an unfamiliar situation.

Chuck wanted to go to bed. He was drunk and exhausted and wanted nothing more than to curl up beside Cas and fall asleep. On the other hand, Chuck wanted to have sex. And he knew that getting in bed with Cas right now would make it impossible to ignore that fact.

"Do you want to go to bed now?" Castiel was standing close to Chuck, fingers itching to touch him.

"Um...I don't think we...should spend the night together." He blurted the words out quickly, hoping that Cas wouldn't question him.

"Why not?" Castiel looked hurt. Chuck searched his brain, desperately trying to find the words to explain it out loud. When he failed at that, he went for the next best option. He stepped forward, pressing his body tightly against the angel's, making sure that Castiel felt the aching hardness under his pants.

Cas took a deep breath as he blushed, clearly not missing it. "So this is why you wish not be in bed with me." Cas lifted his hands to Chuck's shoulders.

Chuck nodded.

"This is why you think we should not spend the night together." Castiel licked his lips, bringing their mouths closer together.

Chuck nodded.

"Well..." Cas moved his hands down to Chuck's waist. "I think we should." Cas tightened his grip, pulling Chuck's body closer to his, letting all signs of insecurity drop. Chuck bit back a moan as he realized that he wasn't the only one dealing with an aching temptation.

The next few hours went by in a frenzied blur. They switched back and forth between slow and passionate to desperate and forceful. Chuck almost lost himself at the sight of Castiel's body, naked in his bed for the first time. He made sure to force his brain to remember the sound that Cas made when Chuck reached between his legs, stroking him slowly and deliberately. Cas arched his back, thrusting up into him touch, and Chuck thought he had never seen anything more beautiful. The same thought crossed his mind when Cas rolled on top of him, much rougher than before, and began rubbing their bodies together, kissing with a desperate passion.

When Cas finally pushed into him, his whole world stopped. Nothing mattered, nothing existed, except for this room, this bed, this man. It didn't take long for Chuck to be spilling a sticky mess between them, and Castiel closely followed.

They stayed tangled up in each other for what seemed like hours. Maybe it was. Their kisses were more meaningful now, their touches more sure. Their hushed whispers always said "I'm yours", no matter what the words actually were. And eventually, the sun came up.

"Shower." Chuck mumbled into Castiel's neck. Cas nodded slowly, moving his arms so Chuck could get up.

"That was an invitation, Cas." Chuck grinned up at him, and Cas felt his face mirror the emotion.

Chuck walked into the kitchen, wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else, as he towelled off his wet hair. He was startled to find Dean sitting at the table, forgetting that the brothers had spent the night there. He felt his face flush as he said his goodmornings, wondering if he and Cas had been quiet enough.

"'Morning" Dean was grumbly, nursing a cup of coffee.

Cas came down the stairs, buttoning up his shirt. His hair was dripping wet, and Dean looked between the two of them.

"Dude..." Dean smirked, letting his eyes rest on Cas. "I told you that you were gonna end up showering together!"


rating: r, pairing: (spn) chuck/castiel

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